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11 projets européens trouvés

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Staże zawodowe uczniów ZSP Żelechów

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The "ZSP Zelechow students' placements" project focuses on one activity: practical placements for students in grades II and III of technical school of Secondary School Complex Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych im. Ignacego Wyssogoty Zakrzewskiego in Zelechow, Poland (ZSP) studying in professions: nutrition and catering services technician (20 students) and hotel management technician (20 students).D ...
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 TERMINÉ the transition from school to work. This inadequacy was emphasised to Volontarimini by associations of families with disabled members, which observed it during the “interinstitutional provincial work groups for the educational integration of young people with disabilities” (GLIP), and by virtue of their own experiences. The inadequacy of such support is also confirmed by the schools involved ...
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QUALITY - W 2014

Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

Even if the tourism and services sectors are now facing difficult times, many areas in Italy have the requirements to set up centres for a new development model, based on the aware and sustainable use of local resources. The main resource to count on is the human one, especially formed in prospect of the new generations who will have to be provided with suitable knowledge and skills, both professi ...
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Background The importance of the Emilia Romagna region in terms of biodiversity is well known. The area includes evaporites, a sedimentary rock formed by the precipitation of salts, and the chalky outcrops on the hills that run from Reggio Emilia to Ravenna are among the largest in Europe. The project actions will be carried out in all six of the regionâ ...
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Praktyka Zawodowa=Mój Sukces BIS

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

The implementation of the project will involve organizations and istitutions supporting professional development of young people. Applying institution- SOSW in Strzelno, partner intermediary institution - Voluntarimini. For the good preparation of the project and in order to ensure its proper implementation tasks are divided between all partners and developed in regards to certain responsibiliti ...
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Zagraniczne staże dla uczniów ZSZ nr 1 w Krakowie

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

Context of the project: The project involves the implementation of a two-week professional work placement in Italian companies for the students of the Vocational School No. 1 in Krakow. Main goal : * Work experience and the acquisition of new or improvement of qualifications and skills by 32 students of our school through the foreign placements , which will increase their chances of finding a jo ...
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MAVITRA : The virtual work market in the Mediterranean Bassin (MAVITRA)

Date du début: 31 mai 2005, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2007,

Le projet a pour but de favoriser et canaliser la mobilité des ouvriers dans le Bassin Méditerranéen, par une amélioration des services pour lemploi et par la création dun marché virtuel du travail. Cette stratégie doit avoir un impact positif afin de favoriser la rencontre entre loffre et la demande de travail, en diminuant le chômage de certaines zones et le manque de travail dans dautres, et en ...
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... 2003 the beneficiary was awarded 1st prize in the "Carmen Diez de Rivera" European Award for Sustainable Tourism. See:
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ADRIA-LINK project has a twofold objective: on one hand, it aims to foster the development and the consolidation of local institutions, democracy, and the social dialogue among the various institutional actors, as well as the intermediate structures of society within the Adriatic area; on the other, it intends to promote and experiment new forms of collaboration among educational and training inst ...
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The project has 4 aims: (I) the study and the definition of specific interadriatic products;(II) the development of an integrated valutationclassification system, and promotion, information and management of some touristic Adriatic ports; (III) The design and realisation of an innovative Adriatic touristic portal; (IV) The development of new prototypes of information offices and touristic receptio ...
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The ERGO-IN-NET project aims at improving the European dimension of guidance through the widespread dissemination of training methodologies, materials & tools and information resources, able to be used by the European Guidance counsellor. This dissemination is to be assured through a series of networking activities involving different actors at the European level (Universities, members of the Leon ...
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