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6 projets européens trouvés

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at the moment the project is in the start phase, data elevations for the production roughly curriclium and coarse purposes as well as the target group are raised in the partner lands and are gathered by the coordinator and combined, the Hompage is switched and the first Round table will take place on 13.12.05
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Die Förderung der Gesundheitsvorsorge und Prävention ist ein klares Ziel der Gesamteuropäischen, aber auch jeder nationalstaatlichen Gesundheitspolitik, dessen schnellstmögliche Umsetzung – besonders vor dem Grund der explodierenden Sozial- und Gesundheitskosten von den unterschiedlichsten ExpertInnen immer vehementer eingefordert wird. Diese Umsetzung vor dem Hintergrund des gesellschaftlichen Wa ...
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at the moment the project is in the start phase, data elevations for the production roughly curriclium and coarse purposes as well as the target group are raised in the partner lands and are gathered by the coordinator and combined, the Hompage is switched and the first Round table will take place on 13.12.05
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WorkAge – How do we use the wealth of experience of an ageing society? : The project "Age-tailored Training and Work in Europe”, which ran from December 2000 to July 2002, with partners in Germany, Scandinavia, Finland and the United Kingdom, dealt with the integration of older working people into the world of work – with their basic and further training, as well as using and passing on their expe ...
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Die Förderung der Gesundheitsvorsorge und Prävention ist ein klares Ziel der Gesamteuropäischen, aber auch jeder nationalstaatlichen Gesundheitspolitik, dessen schnellstmögliche Umsetzung – besonders vor dem Grund der explodierenden Sozial- und Gesundheitskosten von den unterschiedlichsten ExpertInnen immer vehementer eingefordert wird. Diese Umsetzung vor dem Hintergrund des gesellschaftlichen Wa ...
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The goal in this project was to train unemployed people so that they can substitute employees during their absence from work due to further training or their leave of absence. Target groups were unemployed who seek for a job or new knowledge; the company trainers (or mentors); the employees who need further training to upgrade their skills and companies which detect or meet a lack of skills due to ...
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