Rechercher des projets européens

5 projets européens trouvés

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Coast to coast - Creating a naturalistic/archaeological park in the Po Delta area. 

Date du début: 31 déc. 2001, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2008,

Integrated project “Coast to Coast” promotes and supports the socio-economic development of the area of the Po Delta and consists of five actions aimed at intensifying cooperation among Italian and Slovenian institutions and economic operators, by generating a tourist, cultural, environmental and educational flow exchange between the two shores of the Adriatic. The project, identified by the code ...
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Coast to coast. Section: Tourist/environmental and cultural education and training 

Date du début: 31 déc. 2002, Date de fin: 29 juin 2008,

The initiative entitled “Coast to Coast” promotes the socio-economic development of the area of the Po delta and consists of five direct actions aimed at strengthening cooperation between Italian and Slovenian economic institutions and operators, through the establishment of a tourist, cultural, environmental and training flow between the two sides of the Adriatic. This project phase aims at creat ...
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Tourist/environmental and cultural promotion (Coast to coast)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2004, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2007,

The “Coast to Coast” project promotes and supports socio-economic development in the area of the Po Delta and consists of five actions aimed at intensifying cooperation between Italian and Slovenian institutions and economic operators, by creating a tourist, cultural, environmental and educational flow between the two shores of the Adriatic. This section of the project entails a number of actions ...
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The “Coast to Coast” project promotes and supports socio-economic development in the area of the Po Delta and consists of five actions aimed at intensifying cooperation between Italian and Slovenian institutions and economic operators, by creating a tourist, cultural, environmental and educational flow between the two shores of the Adriatic. This project led to the construction of new tourist moor ...
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The initiative identified as “Coast to Coast” promotes and supports the socio-economic development of the area of the Po Delta and consists of five actions aimed at intensifying cooperation among Italian and Slovenian institutions and economic operators, by generating a tourist, cultural, environmental and educational flow exchange between the two shores of the Adriatic. The project aims at creati ...
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