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5 projets européens trouvés

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Wood Energy Exploitation for Entrepreneurship (WOODE3)

Date du début: 31 mai 2010, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

The project is addressing the protection and valorisation of forest resources in the Mediterranean space with the integration of mechanisms that will ensure a sound development of the wood energy sector. The aim is to raise awareness and build capacity of decision makers promoting a governance scheme in line with the 4 principles of sustainable development, setting up priorities and providing supp ...
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The operation deals with the following problems: 1) how and to what extent European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) strategies are taken into account in land planning and management procedures in local and national contexts; 2) how the sharing of experience in local land management can increase effective implementation of the ESDP. Overall objective / Objectif général The aim of the operati ...
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Date du début: 31 déc. 2004, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2006,

European civil society is based on a set of activities carried out by non-profit making entities supported by voluntary work and operating in conjunction with national, regional and local administrations in order to improve many sectors of contemporary society. Public authorities have become heavily involved in the development of policies and services in support of these bodies, promoting their va ...
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We face the challenge of reducing energy consumption to make our cities more sustainable, and water and wastewater facilities are often the largest and most energy-intensive loads owned and operated by local governments, representing up to 35% of municipal energy use. Capturing and reusing stormwater runoff on before it flows into surface waters allows its use onsite either to replenish groundwate ...
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ENERGEIA tackles the topic of supporting entrepreneurship in the energy sector. Developing entrepreneurship out of research outputs and competences is a key action that will contribute to reach Europe2020 objectives - in terms of energy consumption from renewable sources and energy savings - direct impacts on EU economic development, wealth creation and employment. Data on the energy sector in Eur ...
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