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6 projets européens trouvés

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Meiotic recombination has underpinned plant breeding for the generation of new traits of agronomic, environmental and economic importance, although we still have little understanding of the controlling mechanisms involved in this process. We will combine approaches in genomics and systems biology to obtain a detailed understanding of the factors that control recombination and will provide a basis ...
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Clean Air Technology for Biomass Combustion Systems (BioCAT) (BioCAT)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2011, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2013,

The BioCAT proposal aims at the development of new generation of biomass based room heating appliances. The EU climate and energy strategy for 2020 obviously relies on a significant increase of biomass share in household energy production. In addition new building standards lead to a decrease in heat consumption of households and consequently to a decrease of the nominal power of heating appliance ...
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Nano Packaging Technology for Interconnect and Heat Dissipation (NANOPACK)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2007, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2011,

One of the major limitations to continued performance increases in the semiconductor and power electronics industries is integration density and thermal management. Continued transistor downscaling is quickly reaching its limits forcing a new focus on heterogeneous integration and 3D packaging technologies to continue performance improvements by reducing interconnect length between memory and mult ...
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"The MEGAPOLI project brings together leading European research groups, state-of-the-art scientific tools and key players from third countries to investigate the interactions among megacities, air quality and climate. MEGAPOLI will bridge the spatial and temporal scales that connect local emissions, air quality and weather with global atmospheric chemistry and climate. The main objectives are: (i ...
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Knowledge in a Wiki (KIWI)

Date du début: 1 mars 2008, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2011,

Description Knowledge management in software development and project management is an exciting problem, as it involves tacit knowledge (e.g. about processes), distributed knowledge (different people, different systems), and many different kinds of semantically rich content (e.g. source code, documentation, tutorials, project work plans) that ...
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The provinces Salzburg (AT) & North Rhine-Westfalia (GE) are collaborating at political level and through economic partnerships. BRIDGE2GEO intensifies the existing links and initiates science-business partnerships within and between the regions in order to enhance S&T-based development. The cross-cutting topic is Geographic Information. Building on earlier joint actions, technological developmen ...
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