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3 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens



Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2018,

This project has been worked out on the basis of our school’s needs as focussed by the RAV (Self Evaluation Report) and by the Improvement Plan for being integrated into the Plan of European Development. These needs are as follows:1- Improving basic competences with particular reference to the first two years ( reading, Maths, Sciences);2- Increasing excellent skills;3- Opposing dropping out;4- ...
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In the light of a new European if not global orientation which is imposed from the new working conditions, the teachers of the Experimental Junior High School of the University of Crete readjust their skills and seek new methods and tools for teaching in order to upgrade their role and the role of their students through their professional development. This will be achieved by forming a plan of ho ...
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The Official Language School (EOI) of Almendralejo is a public school run by the government of Extremadura (Spain), dedicated to the teaching and certification of foreign languages. We teach French, English and Portuguese in 6 courses and 3 levels: basic, intermediate and advanced. Our unified certification exams are valid nationwide and are related to the CEFR proficiency levels (A2, B1 and B2).O ...
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