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6 projets européens trouvés

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E-Tutors TransNet will analyse the results of previously funded projects in order to review the advantages and disadvantages of different e-learning systems implemented or currently being implemented via web-based platforms.The project will focus upon four particular areas, namely, Metallurgy, Metalwork, Electronics and Management and will create an Electronic Document Knowledge Base (EDKB) to act ...
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OJT GENE BANK will develop an interactive, on-the-job training bank of tacit knowledge for the development and maintenance of work safety and occupational health practices in the metal industry.The project will collect, develop and maintain specialist 'tacit information' (non-documented information on work practice held normally in the memory of individual workers) in digital form, covering issues ...
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The main objective of the ELECT project is to create a mechanism for multicultural distance learning to help creators and managers of SME's to promote their activities at national level but also with an eye to the international context, particularly the one which will emerge following the forthcoming enlargement of the European Union. The project is aimed at two target groups: an intermediary targ ...
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The AMBIENTACQUE project will create a new job profile for those in a position to propose integrated solutions for land protection and planning, in particular the protection of river banks and the evacuation of river and flood water.The partners will analyse training needs, draw up a new detailed job profile, develop a training course and a training certification system.. The project's results wil ...
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The SIDAE project will design, develop and introduce a web-based portal to act as a real-time communication platform between individual companies and between companies and technical support centres. The aim being to support employers in the provision of a health care platform, with the term health care referring to the health of the company itself. Project activities will include initial agreement ...
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The STOP & RESTART project aims at developing a model for used in the implementation of training programmes mixing traditional training methods with the Accreditation of Prior Learning (non-formal or informal learning) or APL. The method is expected to be applied with individuals unable, for any reason, to attend regular vocational training provision. The project will develop a series of CD-Rom an ...
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