Rechercher des projets européens

7 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens



Date du début: 15 janv. 2009,

There are millions of Europeans of Roma origin and "they face persistent discrimination and far-reaching social exclusion", reveals a report of the European Commission released on the 2nd July 2008 ( project "Youth Participation through Pictures" aims at encouraging young Roma people from Romania and the Slovak Republic to take part in ...
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Building on work done in 2001, the project aim is to include four new partner countries (Hungary, Poland, Portugal and Bulgaria) and at the same time to update the work accomplished in the three original countries of the RELAIS project (France, Italy and Romania - F/01/B/F/PP-118049). The partners will focus on the problems of training social workers (both professional and voluntary) to deal with ...
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Combating marginalisation : In order to improve assistance provided to victims of marginalisation, RELAIS provides new training tools for (future) professionals in the social and health care sectors. These tools, which will both expand and improve the scope of social work, are consistent with policies and educational practices in the various partner countries. This project started in 2001 and last ...
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ICT-net will establish a European network to encourage ICT Management Training with the aim of empowering management personnel in functioning as ICT Strategists, able to make decisions with regard to ICT and its corporate implications.The project will develop a flexible training environment at European level able to provide information, advice and professional solutions on ICT development issues. ...
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The project aims at designing and developing a training addressed to school vocational advisors which would teach them how to cooperate with parents of schoolchildren facing the choice of the future vocational career. Main results of the project will be: a 30-hour training program for school vocational advisors with methodological materials for trainers and materials for participants of the traini ...
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Les activités qui au regard de la pratique du ski, peuvent être considérées comme des activités clés, portent sur, la préparation, l’entretien des pistes, la sécurité préventive et le secours sur le domaine skiable. Ces activités constituent la préoccupation majeure des stations de ski. Les personnels qui travaillent à remplir ces objectifs ont des missions très diverses : aménagement, préparation ...
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In the end of the 20th century climbers and speleologists have brought into the working environment the rope access techniques and lifting equipment, borrowed from the sports practices. Through these methods, specific problems has been solved in which it was not possible the use of normal equipment. Now days, these techniques are spread in Europe, replacing other methods of access. The sectors in ...
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