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28 projets européens trouvés

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High deployment of fuel cells and hydrogen technologies is expected in the near term in the EU to decarbonize energy and transport sectors. The idea is to generate vast amounts of green hydrogen from the expected surplus of renewable energy sources (implemented policies are going towards 65% of electricity from renewable energy sources by 2050) to be used in transport (moving fuel cell electric ve ...
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European-wide field trials for residential fuel cell micro-CHP (ENE.FIELD)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

ene.field will deploy up to 1,000 residential fuel cell Combined Heat and Power (micro-CHP) installations, across 11 key Member States. It represents a step change in the volume of fuel cell micro-CHP (micro FC-CHP) deployment in Europe and a meaningful step towards commercialisation of the technology.The programme brings together 9 mature European micro FC-CHP manufacturers into a common analysis ...
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The ECO-SEE project aims to develop new eco-materials and components for the purpose of creating both healthier and more energy efficient buildings. We will create and symbiotically use natural eco-materials for healthier indoor environments through hygrothermal (heat and moisture) regulation and the removal airborne contaminants through both chemical capture and photocatalysis. Our objectives inc ...
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KnowHY aims to provide the FC&H2 sector with a training offer for technicians and workers featuring quality in contents, accessibility in format and language, practicality for the targeted audience, ease of scalability and update, and at competitive costs which make the training offer economically sustainable after project completion. Thanks to this project both OEMs as well as professionals can r ...
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Problem to solve: Considerable number of innovation support programmes were developed in the EU that tackled SME (for example SME Instrument, COSME…), however very few programmes and methodologies were developed for specific challenges that face small and micro companies (SMC). This fact is especially relevant for all three project partners’ regions, which have all well over national averages of m ...
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Design 4 Real

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

“Design 4 Real” is a youth exchange project intended for young people of 19-29 years of age, that have theoretical and practical experience in the field of design. The project will be held in September of 2016 in one of the most beautiful places of Lithuania – Nida, where 24 participants together with leaders from four partner organisations and three countries – Italy, Poland and Lithuania will cr ...
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3C - Creation, Communication, Collaboration

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015,

“3C – Creation, Communication, Collaboration” youth exchange project is intended for young people of 19-29 years of age, that has theoretical and practical experience in the field of design. The project will be held in September of 2015 in one of the most beautiful places of Lithuania – Nida, where 24 participants together with leaders from four countries – Italy, Austria, Poland and Lithuania wil ...
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Fluid Management component improvement for Back up fuel cell systems (FluMaBack)

Date du début: 1 juil. 2012, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015,

The FluMaBack (Fluid Management component improvement for Back up fuel cell systems) project aims at improving the performance, life time and cost of balance of plant (BOP) components of back up fuel cell systems specifically developed to face back-out periods of around 1,000h/year for specific markets: USA, Africa and North Europe where hard operative conditions are present (high and low temperat ...
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Low temperature hydrogen production from second generation biomass (HyTime)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2012, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015,

The aim of HyTime is to deliver a bioprocess for decentral H2 production from 2nd generation biomass with a productivity of 1-10 kg H2/d. The novel strategy in HyTime is to employ thermophilic bacteria which have shown superior yields in H2 production from biomass in the previous FP6 IP HYVOLUTION.Biomass in HyTime is grass, straw, molasses or unsold organic goods from supermarkets. The biomass is ...
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High Performance Insulation based on Nanostructure encapsulation of air (HIPIN)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2011, Date de fin: 31 mars 2015,

The concept of High Performance Insulation Based on Nanostructured Encapsulation of Air (HIPIN), described in this proposal, is to develop a sustainable and affordable technology to produce a nanostructured thermal insulating coating to improve thermal efficiency in new and retrofitting buildings. The insulating material will have enhanced performance compared with the state of the art products an ...
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"A total of 19 market-ready fuel cell systems from 2 suppliers (ElectroPS, FutureE) will be installed as UPS/ backup power sources in selected sites across the EU. Real-world customers from the telecommunications and hotel industry will utilize these fuel cell-based systems, with power levels in the 1-10kW range, in their sites. These units will demonstrate a level of technical performance (start- ...
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Hospital-acquired (nosocomial) infections are a major financial issue in the European healthcare system. The financial impact of these infections counteract medical advances and expensive medical treatments by increasing the length of hospital stay by at least 8 days on average per affected patient, hence adding more than 10 millions patient days in hospitals in Europe per year. The statistics on ...
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The general purpose of this project is to encourage the use of innovative products. services and methodologies in the field of energy and environment-friendly efficient tertiary and mixed-used buildings among the business parks managers and among the business community at large. in such a way as to: o start a significant reduction in the emissions of greenhouse gases at NWE level; and o stimulate ...
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"Today’s technicians and students are the next generation of potential fuel cell users and designers, and education now is a critical step towards the widespread acceptance and implementation of hydrogen fuel cell technology in the near future.Development of training initiatives for technical professionals will be started aiming to secure the required mid- and long-term availability of human resou ...
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Background Olive oil production generates huge quantities of waste that may have great environmental impact because of their high phytotoxicity, toxicity against aquatic organisms and suppression of soil microorganisms. Olive mill wastewater (OMWW) is composed of the olive fruit vegetation water, water used for washing and treating, and a portion of the o ...
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Platform for Integration of Trans regional Energy R&D activities (PITER)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2010,

"The project aims at creating a trans-national platform to facilitate the exchanges between the members of the consortium in terms of: research, technological development and transfers, joint political and economical actions for the development and diffusion of renewable energy. This project contributes to the implementation, at a local and national level, of the European directives concerning a b ...
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"Sky, Earth and Researchers" (SER)

Date du début: 1 mai 2009, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2009,

"Our objective is to bring researchers closer to the public, highlighting the importance of research, Trying to realize a fix appointment, our forth proposal will partially maintain “2008 theme”: last year we have anticipated the International Astronomy Year, organized by ONU & Unesco to help the citizens of the world rediscover their place in the Universe We have decided to join this event to our ...
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Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 29 juin 2008,

Le programme vise la mise en œuvre dun réseau dévaluation, et à moyen terme de surveillance, de la contamination littorale (contaminants chimiques) en Méditerranée orientale à laide de la méthode du "cagging" de bio-intégrateurs actifs (moules du genre mytilus galloprovincialis). Ce réseau viendra en complément dautres réseaux de surveillance, quasi-inexistants en mer Méditerranée, notamment du ré ...
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Date du début: 2 mars 2006, Date de fin: 29 juin 2008,

Vise à lancer dans les régions bordant la Méditerranée tecnopoli.Strutture une nouvelle génération de dynamique, multipolaire, mise en réseau des périphériques villages urbains pour favoriser la mise au point de salut-entreprises de technologie, centres de recherche, institutions de formation avancée, affaires et services financiers.
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Date du début: 31 déc. 2006, Date de fin: 29 juin 2008,

Initiation dun partenariat, par le biais des centres de transfert de technologies, entre tous les acteurs tant scientifiques que techniques travaillant sur les procédés de transformation des produits de base de lalimentation méditerranéenne, au regard de lavancée des connaissances en matière de nutrition, de sécurité alimentaire et denvironnement. Il sagit donc avant tout de mettre en réseau des p ...
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Sustainable industrial area model (SIAM)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2004, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2007,

Background Industrial areas designated in zoning regulations are often located in suburban areas and supplied with infrastructure appropriate to carrying-out production and related business activities. Industrial areas in which the presence of SMEs is predominant, are also often equipped with centralized environmental management facilities in order to min ...
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Le projet apparaît comme un outil d'évaluation et de surveillance de la contamination chimique de l'environnement marin, suite à l'augmentation des risques de pollution due aux nombreux événements tant naturels qu'accidentels. Ce réseau de biocapteurs aura pour objet de disposer, non seulement de l'état de référence ante-pollution, mais aussi d'observer les pollutions générées lors d'incidents. L' ...
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MED-DIET-NET : Mediterranean Dietetic Networks (MED-DIET-NET)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2001, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2004,

« MED-DIET-NET » a pour but de créer un réseau de centres de compétences de transfert de technologies sur lalimentation méditerranéenne. Le projet vise ainsi à améliorer la compétitivité des entreprises du secteur agroalimentaire du pourtour méditerranéen dans la perspective de la zone de libre-échange de 2010, et à lui apporter un outil de veille technologique, de manière à accroître ses performa ...
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Older Women in Learning & Enterprise 50+

Date du début: 1 oct. 2009,

Reason for the project OWLE50+ [Older Women in Learning & Enterprise 50+] developed from partners working with older women entrepreneurs. Despite trends & recent legislation, older people are still disadvantaged in the EU labour market and older women more so. Also, the number of older women is growing but many lack necessary skills to manage changing circumstances & do not engage with adult learn ...
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The SCEIA project is aiming at developing knowledge and competences of Secondary High School’s students, young undergraduates and University’s students on the topic of energy and environment. For this scope it will develop a didactical project for the designing and manufacturing of an innovative prototype of small hybrid vehicle. The didactical approach developed by the project, represented by a p ...
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The project Q.LIME has the objet to develop a vocational training opportunity related to "IRP and licensing management". Specifically the project aims at producing innovative training materials that will be designed by a partnership made up of six partners.In order to achieve quality of the above mentionned materials ther partnershipwill share their experience of "creating sustems" sa as to encour ...
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The project is devoted to the implementation of a training plan for SMEs employees such as to allow them to share and apply knowledge and know how in team activities, together with other team member. Collaborative knowledge demands, as a pre-requisite, appropriate skills and abilities: the training programme, e.learning based, has that purpose. As a preliminary activity, a research is envisaged on ...
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The Compeda project intends to strengthen the integrated system between education and training in the field of adult education, with a view to getting the systems ready for innovative future changes which will be necessary to respond to ECVET.
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