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3 projets européens trouvés

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The threat of mass casualty incidents or medical surges to healthcare systems has always been present. Preparing essential parts of the healthcare system such as hospitals and their partners to prevent, respond, and rapidly recover from these threats is critical for protecting and securing the entire health infrastructure. Large-scale disaster situations causing mass casualty incidents are charact ...
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A new approach is needed to ensure that the digital objects created today are available and useful for future generations of users. As scientific, engineering, and media assets and their related metadata are generated across different lifecycle phases, in a continually evolving environment, the concept of a fixed and stable "final" version becomes less relevant. The highly dynamic and complex digi ...
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The proposed project is an interdisciplinary effort of specialists from water management and ICT research respectively to develop an intelligent Integrated Support System for Efficient WATer USage and resources management (ISS-EWATUS). The project will develop several innovative ICT methods aiming to exploitthe untapped water-saving potential in EU. The overall goal will be achieved by developing ...
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