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3 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

POLYINVEST project aims at improving conditions for investment in the rural areas, directly tackling the development gap between the regions of the SEE space. Through the development of an innovative information service about the availability and characteristics of marketable real estates, the project responds to: the needs of those public administrations interested in enhancing and gaining an inc ...
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The general objective of the project is to develop and establish new high-quality interdisciplinary curriculums for the support of the automotive industry in Serbia (as the largest exporter in the country) and urban area development (to contribute to the quality of public services as well as the quality of life in urban settlements). Its objective is to increase the quality and potential of the la ...
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...s are:1. To significantly improve, harmonize the current Bologna-tailored modern language study programs in all Serbian universities with foreign language curricula, namely, Universities of Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis, Kragujevac and Novi Pazar, in terms of structure (including the degree structure), content, teaching and assessment methods and materials at bachelor and master levels. 2. To establish ...
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