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4 projets européens trouvés

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YE Frozen stories

Date du début: 1 déc. 2013,

What dose it mean to be active citizen? What is volunteering? This youth exchange will give us answers on this questions and will help us promote volunteering and active citizenship via creation of photos connected with this themes. Volunteering as an active expression of civic participation which strengthens European values such as solidarity and social cohesion is very important for personal a ...
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Within eight days exchange the participants will encourage to take part in different non-formal activities and through them to get to know more about different ecological issues as well as about different attitudes of European countries to the main ecological problems as recycling, or looking for alternative sources of energy and the global environmental challenges. The participants will not just ...
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Catch the Moment 2013

Date du début: 1 mars 2013,

Volunteering plays important role in sectors as varied and diverse as education, youth, culture, sport, environment, health, social care, consumer protection, development policy, equal opportunities and external relations. Volunteering is an active expression of civic participation which strengthens European values such as solidarity and social cohesion. Involvement in voluntary activities can pro ...
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TC Safety Net 2

Date du début: 1 août 2012,

Non-formal education often serves as a safety net in ensuring education to both who have not enrolled in the formal schools and also to the dropouts of the formal system. TC "Safety Net" was designed to enable young unemployed people committed to the social or environmental change for work as non-formal education facilitators and rise their interest and motivation to contribute to non-governmental ...
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