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5 projets européens trouvés

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Conscious of a need to more effectively stimulate and promote active citizenship across Europe, Face It partners worked together to develop a training course for adult educators, specifically targetting those working in the area of family learning. Promoting increased involvement in local communities, adult educators were recognised as key to the promotion of active citizenship, yet their own trai ...
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Date du début: 1 oct. 2005,

Conscious of the fact that knowledge-based societies are generally reliant on the transfer of information through text-based means yet aware of the fact that many other aspects of society are reliant upon the use of graphics, icons and pictograms, the visuaLearning project considered how adult education might benefit from the use of visual learning approaches and tools, in particular when working ...
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FALCON - the Family Learning Conference

Date du début: 1 oct. 2004,

The FALCON project aimed specifically at the organisation of a conference on the theme of family learning. The resulting event took place in Oslo in September 2005 and covered a range of topics such as didactical approaches to family learning, quality criteria, cultural adaptation and learning infrastructure. An additional goal for the FALCON project was to establish a European platform for family ...
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Date du début: 1 oct. 2004,

Building upon the previously-funded Forward project, Forward Trainer aimed at developing and testing a training course able to provide participants with the required knowledge, information and pedagogical skill to support adults with reading and writing difficulties. Targeting a range of professionals working with the adult target group (e.g. adult educators, union representatives, social workers) ...
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Based on the results of a previously funded Leonardo project, this project takes the measurement of 'Multiple Intelligence' (MI) and applies it to VET students. The project will develop a model for teachers to assess students' performances, with respect to established VET curricula, based upon alternative measurements of intelligence. For example, intelligence will be measured using visual or musi ...
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