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6 projets européens trouvés

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Maritime Regions: Making Museums Commercially Competitive (MarMuCommerce)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2004, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

The MarMuCommerce partners aim to create a business model that introduces commercial marketing techniques and tools to public heritage institutions and thus enable them to develop and apply innovative concepts to generate additional income. Achievements: At the beginnin ...
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NEWing Economic prosperity for POrt Cities (NEW EPOC)

Date du début: 30 juin 2003, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2007,

NEW EPOCs goal is to provide port cities with a set of tools developed from effective policies and strategies, good practice and comparative analyses. These tools will help in the development of new ideas and methods for successfully managing the process of economic diversification and consolidation in maritime cities taking full account of social and ecological considerations. ...
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Women Engendering the Finance Network (WEFneT) (WEFneT)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2003, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2006,

The WEFneT project is based on Women's Resource Centres as an instrument for local development with a gender perspective. The main objective of the project is to achieve local development through an increased participation of women in economic, political and social life - both in quantity and in quality. The Women's Resource Centres are a co-ordination service of territorial actions and actors eng ...
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Efficient Integration of Cargo Transport Modes & Nodes in CADSES area (IMONODE)

Date du début: 30 nov. 2002, Date de fin: 29 oct. 2005,

The IMONODE project will try to explore the options and to suggest solutions and solid actions in order to enhance the greater use of, and the accessibility to the transportation axes no V and X, for freight transport with priority on rail. The emphasis is on rail because if no specific actions are taken it will continue to loose ground against road transport and this is contrary to the declared T ...
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Sea-Land System: concerted Actions for the Coastal Zone Management (SE.L.SY)

Date du début: 3 sept. 2001, Date de fin: 31 août 2004,

Background Many of Europe's coastal zones share problems of deterioration of their environmental, socio-economic and cultural resources. Since 1996, the European Commission has been working to identify and promote measures to remedy this trend and to improve the overall situation in these areas. Compared to other continents, Europe has a large continental ...
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The project aims to highlight the rich aquifer systems and seek methods for their protection. The main benefit of the project implementation is the rehabilitation of contaminated groundwater and the natural environment, optimizing the monitoring network of water basin and the optimal management of water resources. The project consists of the following: • Exchange of information and existing know-h ...
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