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2 projets européens trouvés

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The Municipiality of Mórahalom (HU), the Municipiality of Kanjiza (SRB), and city of Jimbola (RO) in November 10, 2009 established the Banat-Triplex Confinium EGTC. The municipialities, taking on the leading role in the present project, have many years of joint and successful work relationship in the area of economic-, and territorial development. Activities:- The establishment of a CrossBorder De ...
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In November 10, 2009 the Banat-Triplex Confinium EGTC (European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation) had been established.The promoters of the cooperation are: The Municipiality of Mórahalom (HU), the Municipiality of Magyarkanizsa (SRB), and city of Jimbola (RO). Municipialities, taking on the leading role in the present project, have many years of joint and successful work relationship in the ar ...
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