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4 projets européens trouvés

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The objective of the project is to develop a set of training modules for successful trading and investments on the Chinese markets. The modules are going to be used by small and medium entrepreneurs, chambers of commerce and industry, managers and executives of SMEs in order to improve the knowledge needed for making successful businesses in China in the following sectors: health and social servic ...
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Tourism is an important driver of the economy in Europe In 2007, more than 9 million people were employed in EU hotels, restaurants and catering (horcea) sector, which equivalent to 4,2% of all people employed. Being conscious about the effect of sector on employment and growth, EU policy makers give utmost importance to enhance tourism potential for employment. Emphasizing on alternative tourism ...
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The project wants to favour changes in enterprise management culture, processes and practices, introducing a gender approach. Three expert partners transfer culture and tools to different targets: the project partners to help them to adopt a gender equality culture and, outside the partnership, enterprise and quality system stakeholders to help them to get gender equality awareness as well as t ...
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The project aims to contribute to an increase in SMEs competitiveness in the international scene through use of innovative technologies such as e-learning to train SMEs staff in foreign trading with a European prospective, combining relative strength brought by each partner country organisation.Objectives of the project also include; • Increase foreign trade capacities of SMEs staff in both Turkey ...
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