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3 projets européens trouvés

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FastPass will establish and demonstrate a harmonized, modular approach for Automated Border Control (ABC) gates. FastPass brings together key players of the entire ABC value chain - system and component producers, research institutions, governmental authorities and end-users.The development of a harmonized ABC gate will be accomplished with continuous end-user involvement. The entire innovation pr ...
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Most of the energy consumption in Europe is due to heating and cooling used for domestic, tertiary and industrial purposes; This energy is largely produced by directly burning fossil fuels with a negative environmental impact. RES directive and the SET Plan focuses its attention on the use of RES to drive systems for heating and cooling in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the dependenc ...
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Harvesting Dynamic 3D Worlds from Commodity Sensor Clouds (Harvest4D)

Date du début: 1 juin 2013, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

The current acquisition pipeline for visual models of 3D worlds is based on a paradigm of planning a goal-oriented acquisition - sampling on site - processing. The digital model of an artifact (an object, a building, up to an entire city) is produced by planning a specific scanning campaign, carefully selecting the (often costly) acquisition devices, performing the on-site acquisition at the requi ...
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