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10 projets européens trouvés

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Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe (COMBACTE-NET)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2019,

The emergence of Antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) is a global problem, having recently been elevated to the top three threats identified by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and subject of numerous national and international government activities, including the Trans-Atlantic Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance established by the US and EU presidencies. The estimated costs of ARB are aro ...
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EnReMilk will achieve significant water and energy savings in representative dairy case studies, mozzarella and milk powder production, across the supply chain. The dairy industry is an important food industry sector with sales of €124.3 billion and added value of €17.4 billion p.a. It is a high energy and water consumer, both overall and per unit production: up to 6.47 MWh (5.55 MWhth and 0.92 MW ...
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Systems medicine of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (SYSMEDIBD)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2012, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017,

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a major health problem with severe co-morbidities, requiring life-long treatment. Oscillating processes, like biological clocks are well studied and modeled in a number of systems. Circadian rhythms are extremely important for optimal treatments of patients. Recently, the NfkB pathway has been shown to be oscillating. In this project, we will model NfkB oscillat ...
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All Rights Reserved? Barriers towards EUropean CITIZENship (BEUCITIZEN)

Date du début: 1 mai 2013, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2017,

The European Court of Justice expects European citizenship to become the fundamental status of nationals of the Member States. It ‘lies at the heart of the European integration process’. The treaties, legislation, and case law have given Europeans an increasing number of rights. Yet the European Commission complains that these remain underused. Therefore, it has included in FP7 a call for a large- ...
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The Human Brain Project (HBP)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2013, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest challenges facing 21st century science. If we can rise to the challenge, we can gain profound insights into what makes us human, develop new treatments for brain diseases and build revolutionary new computing technologies. Today, for the first time, modern ICT has brought these goals within sight. The goal of the Human Brain Project, part of the ...
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The MicroMilk project (Grant Agreement Number: 262603) funded by the R4SME programme (call identifier: FP7-SME-2010-1) delivered high quality science and technology development. MicroMilk involved the RTD of a novel process to facilitate cost-effective, energy efficient and flexible processing of a wide range of different milk variants, including those with high viscosities with minimum start-up a ...
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Designing Safer Urban Spaces (DESURBS)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2011, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

The DESURBS project makes significant and novel advances with the following developments: 1) An urban space security event database that includes incidents or ‘near misses’ that have (or might have) resulted in injury or loss of life, damage to urban spaces, the auxiliary infrastructures supporting those spaces, or the surrounding natural environment 2) An integrated security and resilience (ISR) ...
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Since more and increasingly different species of animals are kept as companions one has to face the fact that apart from the well documented positive effects of human-animal interaction there are negative consequences as well. CALLISTO will focus on the risks of zoonotic infectious diseases associated with companion animals. To do so, we will form a multidisciplinary, multisectorial and interprofe ...
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Car CO2 emissions are to be limited to 120 g/km for all new passenger cars by 2012. If they are unable to achieve targets, then this may have a significant negative impact on manufacturers. Cars also produce emissions such as Nitrogen oxides, Hydrocarbons, Carbon monoxide and particulate matter which are subject to tight controls. For marine application, existing and forthcoming legislation is aim ...
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Nutritional and shelf stable milk by novel microwave processing (MicroMilk)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2010, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2012,

We are a consortium of European SMEs that has identified a promising low energy, time efficient and easy to clean microwave milk processing system that can improve nutritional value and taste of milk and milk products due to shorter heating times required to reach the holding temperatures during heating. Microwave heating will enhance the advantages of UHT (Ultra High Temperature) milk by improvin ...
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