Rechercher des projets européens

2 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens


DROP-APP: give voice to youngsters through new technologies to fight drop-out!

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

Researches demonstrate that ESL is caused by a mix of individual circumstances, educational factors and socio-economic conditions. It often starts already in primary education and increases during transitions between schools or different educational levels; also mismatches between education / training curricula and labor market needs increases the risk of educational failure as pupils lack prospec ...
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Zdravstvena njega i rehabilitacija u gerontologiji i palijativnoj skrbi

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

The project "Medical care and rehabilitation in gerontology and palliative care" proposed by Nursing School Pula is aimed at providing its students (patient care technicians and physical therapy assistants) with an opportunity to expand their knowledge and acquire new skills related to the care of nursing home residents and users of palliative care services. Twenty of our students will get the ch ...
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