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6 projets européens trouvés

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... Although the management of waste continues to improve in the EU, the European economy currently still loses a significant amount of potential secondary raw materials, such as metals, wood, glass, paper and plastics. In 2010, total waste production in the EU amounted to 2.5 billion tonnes. From this total only a limited share (36%) was recycled, with the ...
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...tainable environmental and socio-economical issues and the polyester fibre manufacture produces waste that to date has no viable deposition. Designers will lead the recycling initiative, defining the material properties, and will feed the material scientists to evaluate newly developed eco-efficient cotton fibre regeneration and polyester recycling techniques. The future exploitation will be asce ...
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This Knowledge Alliance aims at modernising EU’s higher education systems in the field of textiles and clothing (T&C) through a better anticipation of skill needs, based on development of sustainable partnerships between education and employment. This Alliance will result in a facilitated sector adaptation during crisis processes through a better anticipation and positive management of change, via ...
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In Light.Touch.Matters, product designers and material researchers will collaborate to jointly develop a fully new generation of smart materials that combine touch sensitivity with luminosity, based on latest developments in polymeric piezo materials and flexible OLEDs. Manufactured on plastic substrates, these novel ‘light touch materials’ will be thin, flexible and formable, allowing seamless in ...
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Within the EU and its neighbouring Tempus partner countries, a clear need has risen for an overall societal and educational reform which will challenge existing thinking in higher education modules for the triangle of design, engineering and business. In order to effectively bridge the gaps within the knowledge triangle and support current efforts of industry to cope with global economic challenge ...
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...braio 2006, a seguito della mostra Arte e Progetto. Il pensiero sullabitare nel sistema delle arti la giuria si e riunita, definendo il tema specifico del progetto: Le nuove dimensioni espressive dei materiali innovativi come interfacce intelligenti tra prodotto e fruitore. Lintenzione era quella di proporre alla riflessione progettuale la definizione di manufatti (oggetti, attrezzature, elementi ...
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