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2 projets européens trouvés

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Genetically identical cells that live in a homogeneous environment often show substantial variation in their biological traits; such variation is called phenotypic noise. The level of phenotypic noise has a genetic basis, suggesting that higher levels of phenotypic noise can evolve. In fact, recent theoretical studies suggest that phenotypic noise could be a mechanism for a population of genotypes ...
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Specificity of Antibiotic Resistance Evolution (SPECRESEVO)

Date du début: 1 mars 2012, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2014,

"Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a major problem for global public health, but we have an incomplete understanding of the evolutionary and genetic factors that drive the spread of resistance. This proposal is motivated by the concept that some of the key processes in resistance evolution depend on the specificity of the genetic mechanisms involved, which is at present unclear. Specificity h ...
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