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4 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 1 févr. 2013,

+1 is an EVS project with an aim to promote participation in international youth project among youth livingwith disabilities. It includes two short-term EVS service neither of them lasts one month and hosts 2different young people with either intellectual or physical disability. Altogether there will be 2 volunteersfrom different countries hosted in April 2013 and 2 volunteers hosted in May 2013. ...
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Awake Senses

Date du début: 1 févr. 2012,

Awake Senses is an EVS project with an aim of promoting greater social inclusion of youth living with disabilities into society. It includes one short-term EVS service which will last for 2 months and hosts 4 different participants with either sensory or physical disability, coming from abroad. Beside this one we will simultaneously host one 6 months long EVS service. Both EVS services will be hos ...
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Date du début: 1 mai 2009,

The project involves 6 volunteers that will be working at Sezione Laziale UILDM, an organisation settled in Rome, Italy, in the field of promoting the rights and independence of people with disabilities. Two of these volunteers will be active in animating the youth group, in cooperating with the service of European mobility and providing support to people with disabilities, while 4 others (includi ...
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The aim of the project is to strengthen the links between education, research and innovation and to improve knowledge transfer between academia and industry. Activities will be geared towards identification of European best practice in these sectors, which will be adapted and implemented in relevant institutions in the partner countries. The specific objectives are: "• To understand the present s ...
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