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5 projets européens trouvés

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Network for the Market uptake of ICT for Ageing Well (AgeingWell)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2012, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

Description The aim of the AgeingWell Network is to build and animate a European network focused on improving the quality of life of Elderly People by promoting the market uptake of ICT solutions for Ageing Well.\\n\\nTo achieve its aim, the following five main objectives of the AgeingWell project are:\\n\\n\\nDevelop Guidelines for deployme ...
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Satellite Broadband for European Regions (SABER)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2012, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2014,

The DAE has an objective to bring basic broadband to all Europeans by 2013 and by 2020 for all Europeans to have access to above 30Mbps with 50% or more of European households subscribing to internet connections above 100Mbps. Objective 5.3 of the ICT PSP Work Programme proposes that satellite communications represent a possible solution.To help achieve these targets, the SABER Thematic Network w ...
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The NET-EUCEN project will create, animate and manage a working network of stakeholders in the Governance and Policy Modelling domains belonging to all the European countries and with relevant knowledge of massive on-line service fruition and eInclusion policies and interests, thus covering the whole supply chain of the Service for Users (S4U). The project will address the following specific objec ...
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The STRATOS2 project will develop and introduce a training programme providing European SME managers with the skills needed for the assessment and evaluation of the suitability of Free (Libre) Open Source Software (also known as FLOSS) applications and solutions for their organisations. In addition to SME managers, the project will also focus upon ICT and Human Resources managers within SMEs. Acti ...
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The aim of this project is to identify the training and educational needs of employees inboth public and private sector and university students regarding enterprise architecture(EA) and to fulfil these using innovative pedagogies and practices based on Web 2.0technologies and active, problem-based learning approaches.The main outputs of this project includes:An EA learning ontology that will inclu ...
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