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3 projets européens trouvés

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OPerating RAck For Full-Electric Vehicle (OPERA4FEV)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2011, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

To improve deployment of electrical vehicles in Europe, large scale production processes for Rack, cells and electrical components need to be developed. The OPERA4FEV project aims to develop a cost effective innovative thermoplastic battery rack, able to integrate any type of cylindrical cells. The solution proposed by OPERA4FEV project, adaptable to any Full Electric Vehicle model, will indeed in ...
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"The MAPICC 3D project and concept aims at developing manufacturing system for 3D shaped, multilayered products based on flexible materials. The ultimate goals are:> The development of integrated and automated process chain able to produce from hybrid thermoplastic yarn to 3D complex shaped thermoplastic composite structure in single step thermoplastic consolidation process.> The development of fl ...
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This proposal INTIMIRE concerns the production of fire retardant and flame resistant polyester and polypropylene fibres, films and upholstery end products based on the intumescent flame retardancy concept. These products must give an answer to the evolution in requirements defined in upcoming European norms for upholstered furniture and railway transportation. They also must offer improved durabil ...
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