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7 projets européens trouvés

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Beyond the horizon

Date du début: 2 mai 2016, Date de fin: 1 déc. 2016,

This project will bring together 44 young people from 4 countries (Poland, Belgium, Italy, Croatia) for a 9 days international youth exchange project in Poland. The main aim of the project is to support the young people in developing a mutual understanding and empathy towards other cultures as well as teaching the values of outdoor education and a healthy lifestyle. The project will bring togethe ...
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PROJEKTOR hosts one volunteer in a one-year project with the title: "International Development Center for Disabilities" in Växjö. The project is about creating opportunities for people with disabilities to be more active and participative in Europe.The themes for this project are international participation and disability and the main goal is to create opportunities to cooperate within the field ...
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"Evaluation of adapted EVS for vip from 2007 till nowadays" is the title of an evaluation meeting on adapted EVS for ex-visually impaired volunteers, sending and hosting organisations. This evaluation meeting will be held in Liège, Belgium, from December 10th till December 15th 2012. It involves groups of participants (4 participants of which at least 3 are visually impaired + 1 assistant/country) ...
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Zatik Orphanage

Date du début: 1 sept. 2012,

Name: Zatik orphanageVenue: Yerevan,ArmeniaDuration: 9 months and 12 monthsNumber of volunteers: 2Theme: Work with children-orphansObjectives and motivation: The main aim of the project is the work with children-orphans, to provide educational activities and to prepare them for an independent life. Involving international volunteers will be a great opportunity for this project as the children will ...
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This youth exchange will provide an opportunity for young blind, partially sighted and sighted, from different EU countries, to meet, discover artistic and sportive adapted activities, as well as their cultural heritage. The methods used to implement activities for the youth exchange are: ice-breaking games, simulations games, work in small groups, debates, presentations, questions / answers, brai ...
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How to organise adapted EVS for VIP's?

Date du début: 1 déc. 2011,

The project "How to organize adapted EVS for VIP's?" is a training course organised and hosted by VIEWS International. The project aimes to prepare ngo's active in the youth field for setting up adapted EVS projects for the visual impaired young people. The activities of the project will take place from 13th till 19th of December 2011 (6 working days + 1 travel day) to Liège, Belgium, with partne ...
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Itt a tavasz és én nem láthatom?

Date du début: 1 févr. 2010,

In this project youngsters with their visionally impaired peers organised different activities for other young persons. During the workshops the participants had opportunities to get to know each other better and their possibilities, the situations that they are facing. The methodology and tools used gave opportunity to gain new experiences.The project ran between February and October 2010. The wo ...
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