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BaltFood - The BSR Food Cluster: Innovation and Competitiveness in Action (BaltFood)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2008, Date de fin: 23 janv. 2012,

...nding strategy. Supporting the BSR food industry in the fields of R&D From 10th until 11th of November 2011 35 representatives of scientific institutions in the BSR held a meeting in Lübeck for the kick-off of the baltfood R&D network. The focus of the cooperation is international networking in the field of science and business. The implementation of an international baltfood R&D network, in whi ...
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The clue of the cooperation is the jointly prepared, approved Development Concept of June 2001, consisting of a concrete strategy and action plan including a number of different sub-projects. The strategy and action plan involve seven strategic fields, i.e. business development, mobility of people, infrastructure and transport, environment, nature and landscape, culture, knowledge exchange and lea ...
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