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11 projets européens trouvés

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In conditions of very low youth labor force participation and unappealing perspectives in employment upon graduation, universities lack capacity to equip their students with entrepreneurial skills. Lack of internships and other professional training opportunities during studies, among others, lead to discouragement, lack of motivation and inactivity among the youth. Large group of GE and KG youth ...
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Entrepreneur Alumni Network

Date du début: 1 déc. 2013,

Wider objective of the EANET project is to establish Entrepreneur Alumni Networks (EAN) at 11 HEIs in Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia which support the entrepreneurial spirit among students, scientists and alumni and raise an entrepreneurial ecosystem in Georgia, Moldova and UkraineSpecific project objectives are - to create entrepreneurship-related associations at HEIs- to create international entre ...
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General objective:To reinforce top and middle managers of higher education institutions competencies by developing a human resource management and staff development strategy focusing the challenges the economic transition process of the partner countries and globalization are impacting higher education institutions.Specific objectives:- To carry out a HR processes and procedures audit in order to ...
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The project HUMERIA aims at stimulating institutional cooperation and collaboration among partner members and, in particular, decision and policy-makers on strategies to enhance internationalization between EU and ENPI HEIs in the fields of HUManities, Education, Regional and International Relations, Arts and Design. The present proposal was conceived by the coordinator, Tallinn University and jo ...
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The project Erasmus Mundus Broadening Educational ExpeRiences (EMBER) is an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 (EMA2) consortium comprised of twenty partner higher education institutions and four associated partners from Western/Central/Eastern Europe all the way to the South Caucasus. The consortium includes institutions from all five of the Lot 5 countries targeted by the Eastern Neighbourhood and Partners ...
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The problems of the education systems of Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Georgia for the recent transition period arequite similar. Although the problems are not academic in nature, they do have a negative impact on the outcomes andoutputs of the latter. The main difficulties refer to absence of economic sustainability in the new political, economic, andsocial paradigm. Yet another problem is the ab ...
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The project Promoting Internationalization and Comparability of Quality Assurance in Higher Education (PICQA) aims at enhancing the quality of higher education in Armenia and Georgia by promoting internal and external quality assurance systems which are acceptable both regionally and internationally. In a first line of action, the quality expectations for the systems to be built in Georgia and Arm ...
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...odules for the SCU will be worth 10 credits to meet the Bologna requirements of 30 credits per semester. The course will be delivered by the staff at Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), Kutaisi State University (KSU), Yerevan State University (YSU), Yerevan Medical University (YMU), Baku State University and Azerbaijan Medical University (all SCU) as part of a dual degree (DD) with UoW w ...
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Date du début: 15 janv. 2010,

To lay foundation for the Master's Degree Programs in Applied Bioscience that specifically prepare students for scientific careers in industry, or for professional careers in bioscience-based enterprises that delve into marketing, business development, technology transfer and many other fields. It is envisaged to develop Applied Bioscinece MSc Program in the following fields: Food Biotechnology, A ...
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Das Projekt "WeNeT" soll die Reform- und Umstrukturierungsprozesse an den belarussischen, georgischen und ukrainischen Partnerhochschulen unterstützen, ihre Integration in den gesamteuropäischen Bildungsraum fördern und dem Ausbau und der Intensivierung der Bildungskooperation auf dem Tourismusgebiet zwischen der EU und den östlichen Nachbarstaaten dienen. Darüber hinaus soll im Projektverlauf das ...
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