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3 projets européens trouvés

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The MIRABEL project's main goal is to develop a conceptual and infrastructural approach that allows energy distribution companies to efficiently manage higher amounts of renewable energy and balance supply and demand. Currently, most renewable energy sources (RES; e.g. windmills, solar panels) pose the challenge that the production depends on external factors, such as wind speed and direction, the ...
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The POBICOS project targets communities of regular objects with embedded sense-compute-actuate nodes, found in homes and buildings. Such objects are inherently heterogeneous in terms of sensing, actuating and computing resources/capabilities. Moreover, the actual mix of objects available in different settings is practically unknown at the development time. Thus, the main challenge of applications ...
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Supporting Energy Efficiency in Smart Generation Grids through ICT (SEESGEN-ICT)

Date du début: 1 juin 2009, Date de fin: 31 mai 2011,

Designing ICT for managing the smart grids with integrated microgrids is a challenge that cannot be won by a single utility, industry or country. It requires collaboration of all Stakeholders, in an interdisciplinary approach that brings together experiences from the different countries with their different situations and from different viewpoints, in order to contribute to a scalable system that ...
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