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8 projets européens trouvés

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Building peacebuilders through integrated formal and non-formal learning approaches

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019,

BUILDPEACE will boost the skills and competencies of Europeans in the public, third and private sectors to build peace and connect communities. It will improve the overall provision of teaching, learning and training within the peacebuilding industry by bringing together providers from the formal education (FE) and non-formal education (NFE) sectors in a community of practice. These partners will ...
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Systemic Action for Gender Equality (SAGE)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019,

Increasing the participation of women in research, and promoting gender equality, is vital in strengthening the competitiveness of European research. A greater involvement of women in research will contribute not only to an increased number of skilled researchers in our institutions, but will also add a different perspective to research programmes, promote diversity, improve descion-making and con ...
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"Training in neurodegeneration, therapeutics intervention and neurorepair" (TINTIN)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2013, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

"Dopamine neurons play a central role in major illnesses, such as anxiety and mood disorders, schizophrenia, autism-spectrum disorders, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, and dementia. A multidisciplinary approach must be taken by European researchers to discover the molecular basis of dopamine neurodegeneration and how new technologies will lead to repair and regeneration of neuronal systems in the b ...
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Inter-Continental Exchange of Leadership in Conflict Transformation (ICELCT)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 30 janv. 2017, transformational approaches to conflict.This will be done through collaboration of joint research and capacity building activities by the three participating Universities of Coventry, UK (COVUNI), Kadir Has (KHU) in Turkey and Stellenbosch in South Africa (SUSA). The ICELCT scheme will provide a staff exchange programme to study contemporary knowledge and innovations on the role of leadership i ...
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Perspectives of Conflict Transformation from the Middle East and Europe (CTMEE)

Date du début: 3 juin 2012, Date de fin: 2 juin 2015, and Europe project aims to enhance understanding and knowledge of conflict transformation through collaborative research and capacity building activities among the Universities of Coventry (CPRS), Kadir Has (KHU) in Istanbul and the Arab American University in Jenin (AAUJ). The objectives are: to identify appropriate conflict transformation strategies and methods for protracted armed conflicts; ...
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...RINICOM, Alcatel-Lucent, Thales Communications, TURKCELL, Ultra Electronics, Bilkent University, Politecnico di Torino, SUPELEC, Institute of Accelerating Systems & Applications, University of Leeds, Kadir Has University, and Université Catholique de Louvain.  WiMAGIC is driven by its industrial partners and is based on a strong market demand. The consortium is an excellent balance between academi ...
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PERL (Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living) is a partnership of researchers and educators, aware of the urgent need for individuals and society to significantly rethink and reorient the choices they make and the manner in which they live their lives in order to reduce the negative impacts of climate change and financial instability, ensure more just distribution of resou ...
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The cave is the "common house" of the Mediterranean culture. The medieval caves - rupestrian houses and churches - which characterize the landscape of Puglia, in Southern Italy, Cappadocia, in Turkey, Andalucia Region in Spain, some Greek's islands and Loira Valley in France, represent the "micro-cells" of the rupestrian habitat. In spite of this there are lively studies about these kind of settle ...
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