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3 projets européens trouvés

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ENABLE STUDENTS IN AN ALTERNATING SYSTEM TO GET A PROFESSIONAL IMMERSION IN A EUROPEAN COUNTRYThe Regional Federation of MFR (FRMFR) in Brittany undertakes, in its mission of facilitating networks, 13 MFR located throughout the Breton territory. The 220 young people involved in the Erasmus + program will go to 15 different countries: Romania, Malta, Denmark, Ireland, Latvia, Sweden, Poland, Portug ...
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ALLOW THE YOUTH MOBILITY BY UPGRADING SKILLS ACQUIRED THROUGH LEARNING MADE WITHIN THE EUROPEAN SPACE The Regional Federation of MFR (FRMFR) in Brittany undertakes, in its mission of facilitating networks, eight MFR located throughout the Breton territory. The 161 young people involved in the Erasmus + program will go to twelve different countries: Switzerland, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Poland, Port ...
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"The aim is to improve by policy and design, the safety and security of ships by taking into account the man-machine interface and the training of maritime pilots; specifically when operating ships equipped with azimuthing control devices. From the thrusters on smaller, but numerous, harbour support vessels through to the pod-drives on cruise ships and ocean going liners, azimuthing control has ra ...
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