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19 projets européens trouvés

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INTENSSS-PA will support public authorities to integrate the energy theme into spatial planning and regional physical and socioeconomic landscapes. To achieve this objective INTENSS-PA will provide human and institutional capacity building to public authorities and to the wider network of private and public actors related to energy and regional planning by implementing the Living Lab concept, i.e. ...
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Background After two decades of recovery, species of black vulture and other necrophagous birds (i.e. feeding on carrion) face a new threat, namely a lack of food. This has been caused by several factors, including the emergence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), which provoked strict measures to prevent its spread; the most important, with regard ...
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European Researchers' Night: Researchers' For a Better Future (OurFuture)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015,

The OurFuture: Researchers For a Better Future proposal consists in a two years proposal with different activities that are deeply related. The first activity consists of twelve main Events on the 26th September 2014 and 25th September 2015, organised by five universities, 3 public foundations, one scientific association, one autonomic government and a scientific installation around Spain as well ...
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Le projet e-Incorporate II considère que la force économique majeure de l'espace SUDOE sont les PME, les TPE et les travailleurs autonomes. Malgré leur importance, ces derniers manquent de services d'appui spécialisés pour accroître leur compétitivité grâce à des innovations en matière de TIC. Sur la base de la capitalisation des outils obtenus dans le projet e-Incorporate (approuvé dans le cadre ...
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OBJETIVOS: Articular la protección conjunta del espacio transfronterizo y la capacidad de intervención en la red rodoviaria, preservando al mismo tiempo las cualidades físicas y ambientales del territorio a través de la lucha contra los riesgos naturales y tecnológicos. ACCIONES: Acciones de prevención y protección civil integrada: equipamientos complementarios en materia de riesgos tecnológicos y ...
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Date du début: 1 mai 2013, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2013,

The RN13: People for a Better Future proposal consists in different activities which are deeply related. The first activity consists of ten main Events on the 27th September 2013, which will gather more than 25000 people, organised by nine public entities and two associations around Spain and a Science Museum. A second activity consists on a Drawing Competition, which will be performed before and ...
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Tiempo para el desarrollo tecnológico empresarial de las PYMEs (0494_TIME_PYME_2_E)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2010, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

OBJETIVOS: Facilitar y promover el desarrollo y crecimiento de las PYMEs y MicroPYMEs especialmente de las zonas rurales a través de la cooperación transfronteriza, incrementando así el nivel de competitividad del tejido empresarial, la capacidad de innovación tecnológica y la creación de empresas de alto valor añadido. ACCIONES: Diagnóstico Tecnológico de las PYMEs , Desarrollo de Servicios Digit ...
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Red Rural Digital Transfronteriza (0468_RED_TRANSDIGITAL_6_E)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2010, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012, alta tecnología y modernizar las administraciones públicas, incentivar la cooperación empresarial, mejorar los espacios productivos y servicios a empresas, desarrollando así la ordenación conjunta del territorio a través de la e-Administración y la innovación tecnológica de las zonas rurales, adaptándolas a los cambios actuales , reduciendo así su aislamiento con respecto a las Entidades Públic ...
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Asistencia reciproca interregional en materia de emergencias (0449_ARIEM_112_6_E)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2010, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

...Civil. Formación en los procedimientos de atención al ciudadano en la emergencia, puesta en producción y simulacros para la evaluación de los objetivos, fomentando actividades conjuntas entre miembros del servicio en Galicia, Castilla-León y el Norte de Portugal, favoreciendo el estrechamiento de lazos entre estos colectivos, la cohesión y colaboración y el intercambio de experiencias comunes. Mov ...
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OBJECTIVOS: Proteger o espaço transfronteiriço, preservando as qualidades físicas e ambientais do território através da prevenção e luta contra riscos naturais e tecnológicos. ACÇÕES: Acções de prevenção e protecção civil integrada: equipamentos complementares em matéria de riscos tecnológicos e prevenção de incêndios. cartografia Euro-regional temática. Acções de protecção do meio ambiente, forma ...
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Researchers With Energy (ResEnergy)

Date du début: 1 mai 2012, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2012,

The ResEnergy: Researchers With Energy proposal consists in different activities.The first activity consists of ten main Events on the 28th September 2012, which will gather more than 20000 people, organised by eight public entities and two associations around Spain. A second activity consists on a Drawing Competition, which will be performed before and after the 28th event. During to the event ce ...
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Chemists Everywhere (ChemEve)

Date du début: 1 mai 2011, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2011,

The ChemEve: Chemistry EveryWhere proposal consists in two different activities. The first activity consists of seven main Events on the 23rd September 2011, which will gather around 15000 people, organised by seven public entities around Spain: Girona, Murcia, Burgos, Las Palmas, Oviedo, Valladolid, and Mallorca. The second activity consists on a Drawing Competition, which will be performed befo ...
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...l espacio de frontera y revisión y actualización de los ya disponibles. Incorporar servicios de localización y visualización de la información que permita su explotación de forma conjunta. Desarrollar el concepto de Centro Ibérico de Conservación de la Naturaleza. Estudio de riesgos de las alteraciones climáticas ...
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Background With its close meanders and steep cliffs, the Natural Park ‘Duratón River Canyon’, in the North-western end of Segovia province (Castilla y León), includes a large variety of habitats ranging from the aquatic and riparian environments linked to the Duratón River, to the steppe areas up in the plateau crowning the cliffs. Endangered bird ...
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Background Margaritifera margaritifera, also known as freshwater pearl mussel, naiad or margaritifera, was probably the most abundant bivalve mollusc in rivers throughout Western Europe in former times. However, during the last century many of its numbers disappeared and it is now considered to be an endangered species. Although still in decline, populati ...
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Background The population and distribution of Bonelli's eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus) had declined steeply in Europe in recent years, owing principally to direct attacks on the bird, electrocution, disturbances during the breeding season, habitat deterioration and reduction in food resources. The decline of the population in Spain, where three quarters of ...
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Background The aquatic warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola), is by far Europe’s rarest warbler. It breeds in temperate eastern Europe (Poland; Hungary, Germany, the Baltic States, the Ukraine and Belarus) and has an estimated population of 15,000 pairs. This small passerine bird is found in wetlands with sedge and similarly structured marshy habitats. Drai ...
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Evaluation of bustard conservation best practice in Western Europe

Date du début: 1 mars 2004, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2006,

Background The great bustard (Otis tarda), the little bustard (Tetrax tetrax) and the houbara bustard (Chlamydotis undulata) are considered priority species under Annex I of EU Birds Directive. These species depend on open farmland and grasslands. In Europe, the bustard populations have been facing severe decline (including local extinctions) since the mi ...
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Background The European mink (Mustela lutreola) used to inhabit the courses and banks of rivers and wetlands in central and northern Europe, but now its distribution is reduced to two small sub-populations. The eastern one, in north-eastern Russia, is rapidly disappearing due to the introduction of a competitor, the American mink (M. vison). The western s ...
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