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4 projets européens trouvés

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Bottom-up Approaches to Machines dedicated to Bayesian Inference (BAMBI)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

We propose a theory and a hardware implementation of probabilistic computation inspired by biochemical cell signaling. We will study probabilistic computation following three axes: algebra, biology, and hardware. In each case, we will develop a bottom-up hierarchical approach starting from the elementary components, and study how to combine them to build more complex systems. We propose Bayesian g ...
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Ecosystem-based Responsive Fisheries Management in Europe (EcoFishMan)

Date du début: 1 mars 2011, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2014,

EcoFishMan seeks to develop a responsive fisheries management system (RFMS) based on results-based management (RBM) principles. The intended context of application of the RFMS is complex, mixed-fisheries and multi-stakeholder fishery sectors like those found in the EU/Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) area. It will be an ecosystem-based sustainable management system under a precautionary framework tha ...
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"Coastal areas are subject to an increase in competing activities and protection (Natura 2000, Marine Strategy Directive) and are a source of potential conflict for space allocation. COEXIST is a broad, multidisciplinary approach to evaluate these interactions with the ultimate goal to provide a roadmap to better integration, sustainability and synergies among different activities in the coastal z ...
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Description Handling with the efficiency of humans Today’s robots are unable to achieve a high level of dexterous and fine manipulation, especially when this requires in-hand manipulation. The HANDLE project aims at understanding how humans perform the manipulation of objects in order to replicate ...
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