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2 projets européens trouvés

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This project brings together leading European groups working in the area of kinetic modelling of space plasma to enhance and accelerate the effective scientific exploitation of existing space plasma data sets and to maximize the scientific return of future space missions, both European and international. The fundamental concept of the project is to take advantage in the European context of the syn ...
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CERADA – Central European Research And Development Area (CERADA)

Date du début: 1 mars 2009, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2011,

"Partners in the project represent and focus on the strong industrial sector in the cross-border region of Czech and Slovak Republic nad Poland, which is transport devices sector (automotive and aircraft) with a strong background in material research. The purpose of the project is: - The recognized need of more effective supporting system of the R&D sector, focused on the significant, traditional ...
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