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2 projets européens trouvés

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SUstainable PREdictive Maintenance for manufacturing Equipment (SUPREME)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

Productivity improvements have major impact on EU economy and competitiveness. Industrial maintenance contributes largely to this competitiveness through reliability and availability of production equipments. The EU market of industrial maintenance can be estimated at 32 Bn€/year, in which outsourced maintenance represents 1/3. In continuous production industries (energy, chemical, food, cement or ...
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FOTsis (European Field Operational Test on Safe, Intelligent and Sustainable Road Operation) is a large-scale field testing of the road infrastructure management systems needed for the operation of seven close-to-market cooperative I2V, V2I & I2I technologies (the FOTsis Services), in order to assess in detail both 1) their effectiveness and 2) their potential for a full-scale deployment in Europe ...
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