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4 projets européens trouvés

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"SINFONIA utilizes EU funds to bolster public/private resources and provide European added value to already committed district refurbishment master plans of two middle sized European cities (Bolzano, Italy and Innsbruck, Austria), the targeted performances of which combine three key features thanks to industry involvement: i) unique cooperation between the cities belonging to the same climate zone ...
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"RECREATE is a policy support network that will collect strategic and analyse information about medium and long term research and innovation trends and prospects.The aim of RECREATE is to overcome this fragmentation, and to create a clear cut research agenda for the Horizon 2020 priority of climate change, raw materials and resource efficiency using an RTD perspective for a transition management s ...
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We propose here an exhaustive analysis of the genome, exome, methylome and transcriptome of primary tumours and metastases from patients with colon carcinoma, based on a combination of deep sequencing and chip based techniques. Dependent on their availability, we shall also perform analyses of tumor stem cells, circulating tumor cells, free tumor DNA in serum and xenografts derived from the same p ...
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STEP-UP - Strategies Towards Energy Performance and Urban Planning (STEP-UP)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2012, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2015,

STEP-UP - brings together excellence on energy planning from Glasgow; Ghent; Riga; and Gothenburg – 4 ambitious, northern European, historic, port cities together with their industrial and research partners.The initiative is supported at the highest political level in all 4 cities – and city leaders will be active in the project throughout its life, ensuring it delivers its objectives, and has cl ...
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