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2 projets européens trouvés

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This 8-month multilateral EVS project offers 11 young people from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America the chance to explore the wide range of issues related to sustainable development (SD) whilst volunteering in a country and culture other than their own. All host organisations in this project address the 4 pillars of SD (environment, society, economy and culture) although their main focus may ...
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InterACTive Citizenship

Date du début: 1 août 2013,

The reciprocal multilateral EVS project, “InterACTive Citizenship” takes up the motto of the 2013 “European Year of Citizens” by mobilising and coordinating young people’s active engagement in citizenship activities around the globe. Through volunteering, an essential element in active citizenship, this project aims at developing in young citizens a commitment to society and to political life in s ...
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