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4 projets européens trouvés

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Transnational cooperation on transport crisis management due to incidents in tunnels and rare strong natural events is an outstanding challenge for Alpine Space security and emergency authorities. TranSAFE-Alp aims at capitalizing innovative decision making tools already developped in previous ASP projects for the creation of an integrated ICT-share area for jointly support and coordinated interve ...
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Mediterranean Intermodal Transit (TRANSit)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2009, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2011, and multimodal transportation routes for the transporting goods. Also the 6th Newsletter has been translated and issued in localities languages and have been sent to a series of private and public institutions and enterprises and the official website has been updated ( Last but not least, the final Open Day (in Italy) took place in order to disseminate the project to the ...
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The proposed project aims to establish and operate a network of port authorities and transport experts in the Mediterranean region, focusing on the exchange of knowledge and expertise with regard to port and custom procedures and simplification of clearance for vessels and cargoes. This is expected to enhance the common understanding and promote the introduction of information systems to ports ope ...
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...ts in the MED program (SECURMED PLUS, MEMO, LOSAMEDCHEM). Among the results of the project will be a platform allowing direct access to all of them and a campaign of capitalization close the European Institutions, territorial stakeholders, economic actors, transport companies and other potential users. In order to do this efficiently is important to include some partners that have participated in ...
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