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7 projets européens trouvés

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Dyslexia is often thought of as a problem of childhood. In fact it is a lifelong condition. Dyslexia affects 1 in 10 of the population. Experts estimated that up to 25 million workers in Europe are affected by dyslexia. Dyslexia in the adulthood means a lifetime of underachievement, frustration and often unemployment.Many adults with learning disabilities are underemployed, often stuck in dead-end ...
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The project develops appropriate training and learning materials in multimedia e-textbook form to improve skills in the subject areas of Energy and Environmental Education and Training and hands-on Environmental Auditing leading to economically cost-effective retrofit recommendations. It involves ICT-supported learning, combining e-learning content and technology with transnational virtual study/l ...
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The project seeks to mobilize the target group of teachers, VET communities, learning developers and designers as well as managers of learning organizations in Europe in order to speed up changes in education and training systems to move to a knowledge-based society. The main goal of the project is the development and setting up of an online web-based Blended Learning Support Portal (b-Portal) tha ...
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Dyslexia is often thought of as a problem of childhood. In fact it is a lifelong condition. Dyslexia affects 1 in 10 of the population. Experts estimated that up to 25 million workers in Europe are affected by dyslexia. Dyslexia in the adulthood means a lifetime of underachievement, frustration and often unemployment.Many adults with learning disabilities are underemployed, often stuck in dead-end ...
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 TERMINÉ institute for labour market and social protection, BLICK(AT) the coordinator of previous project is specialised in developing methods and tools for persons' integration into the world of work, INFOART(BG) and POINT(TR) are companies with a large expertise in ICT use for VET and European projects implementation, HMA(GR) is a very experienced Vocational Training Centre with strong connexion w ...
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The main aim of the project is to create “Institute of Lifelong Learning” for agrisector employees. Hand in hand with this aim going creation on-line learning course with five modules focused on landscape development in area of renewable energy resources. Each of the modules will be multi-lingual – in Slovak, English and German languages. We will also prepare other study materials, in the form of ...
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The project prepared a study program for VET schools with the main emphasis in the areas of renewable energy resources, basic procedures for reducing energy intensive farms and the theory of climate change as a result of greenhouse gas emissions. Educational methods was used to include blended learning supported by WEB 2.0 technologies as blogs, wikis and forums. The main attention was focused on ...
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