Rechercher des projets européens

3 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens


BeLLL (Be Life Long Learning)

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

...r, lider, developér) ako aj odbornej. Dosiahnuté ciele projektu boli nasledovné: 1. Nastaviť systém kontinuálneho profesionálneho vzdelávania zamestnancov Harmony. 2. Prerozdeliť lektorov do kvalifikačných kategórií na základe ich nadobudnutých pedagogických skúseností, vypracovať a stanoviť tieto kritériá na ich prerozdelenie v súlade s ich pracovnou pozíciou. 3. Realizovať odborné metodické ku ...
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El Sistema is a special music educational approach that started in Venezuela in 1975. It is based on the concept to offer and provide music education free of charge to every child and young person, and to practise - from the start and on a regular (daily) basis - vocals, instruments and dance in choirs, orchestras and dance groups to enhance and demand as well the individual talent of each child. ...
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This cooperation project with Canada enables young people, their tutors and professional musicians from the EU and CAN to rehearse, perform and work together, learning from each other through the universal language of music. A new composition for orchestra and voices, inspired by the cultures of each country, will be commissioned. Over 2000 different young people will be involved in the project pl ...
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