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7 projets européens trouvés

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O Projecto visa a Constituição de uma Rede de Partilha de meios, informações e conhecimentos como forma de promoção da inovação no sector Agro-Alimentar. Constituição de uma Base Tecnológica de apoio à rede, assente nas novas tecnologias; Constituição formal de uma Rede de Cooperação ao nível da inovação; Difusão de informação, investigação e transferência tecnológica ...
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Estructuras conjuntas de apoyo a la innovación transfronteriza (0065_ECA_IT_1_E)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2008, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2010,

OBJETIVO: Fomentar la innovación empresarial de carácter permanente en el área transfronteriza de Galicia-Norte de Portugal a través de la cooperación entre sectores de un ámbito empresarial relevante a ambos lados de la frontera.ACCIONES: Articular una red de sectores transfronterizos, crear de una red de innova-gestores y coachers transfronterizos, desarrollar una estructura conjunta de recursos ...
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Gestión Energética Sostenible en Entidades Locales Transfronterizas (0023_ESOL_1_E)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2008, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2010,

Implantación de sistemas inteligentes y de alta eficiencia energética. Uso de fuentes energéticas renovables y limpias (solar, biomasa residual y geotermia).Aprovechamiento de los recursos energéticos endógenos del área. Transmisión de experiencias y conocimientos entre ambos países. ...
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OBJETIVO: Promover la intensificación y diversificación de las relaciones entre entidades científicas y empresariales con vistas a explorar oportunidades de innovación biotecnológica en la Eurorregión Galicia-Norte de Portugal.ACCIONES: Analizar la cultura emprendedora y detectar oportunidades de negocio; desarrollar potencial humano; identificar agentes transfronterizos para la creación y consoli ...
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The HERMES project aims to develop actions involving SMEs, aimed at making these enterprises more competitive, with more innovation, training and information, so that they will be better-placed in the new opportunities connected with new technologies. It is a question of developing the potentials of SMEs at the level of human resources and techniques, it being a given that this class of enterprise ...
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The main aim of this project is the transfer of the innovation of the products developed in the Leonardo da Vinci project called Forecologia (ES/03/B/F/PP-149080)to farmers and consultants in organic farming, carrying out an adaptation to the reality of the participant countries and to e-learning training methodology. This transfer will achieve a huge impact over the target collective, to improve ...
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The present project proposal, named IN_Food Quality aims to be a transfer process of the products, methodologies, practices and know-how achieved within IQA (Innovation For Food Quality) project (initial project - is a project developed under the Community Initiative EQUAL, to overcome training needs, and consequently the difficulties in acquiring the Food Hygiene and S ...
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