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9 projets européens trouvés

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Get xPEERience

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2017,

Three business support centres, Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation in Poznań, Instituto Pedro Nunes and Instituto Pedro Nunes Incubator in Coimbra, over 2000 kilometres away from each other yet close regarding profiles of operation, decided to join forces in order to increase quality of their services for youth through project "Get xPEERience". "Get xPEERience" project parcticipants will be ...
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Building on a mapping analysis of existing/emerging good practices in internationalization and cross border venturing in Europe, a group of ICT clusters, incubators and accelerators will collaborate in the development and pilot testing of the new Accelerate Cross- border Engagement (ACE) operational programme. The overall aim is to deliver targeted cross border services to highly innovative entr ...
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FI-WARE: Future Internet Core Platform (FI-WARE)

Date du début: 1 mai 2011, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

The goal of the FI-WARE project is to advance the global competitiveness of the EU economy by introducing an innovative infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of services, providing high QoS and security guarantees. FI-WARE is designed to meet the demands of key market stakeholders across many different sectors, e.g., healthcare, telecommunications, and environmental services. FI- ...
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Le but général du projet TRANSCREATIVA est de faire des Industries Culturelles et Créatives (ICC) de l'espace SUDOE une bonne pratique européenne capable de concilier développement économique (transfert de technologie) et cohésion sociale (jeunes au chômage).Les ICC sont ces industries qui combinent la création, la production et la commercialisation de contenus créatifs intangibles pouvant prendre ...
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Relance des PME : Innovation et International (RYME)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

Le projet RYME est né du constat d'un des principaux problèmes que rencontrent les jeunes entreprises innovantes situées dans le territoire SUDOE après leurs premiers succès commerciaux sur leur marché national : la difficulté de développer de nouveaux marchés. Bien souvent, la faiblesse de leur capacité financière et le manque de compétences à l'international ne leur permettent pas d'envisager ce ...
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Leveraging diverse technologies in a coherent future Internet test bed is difficult. Extending the reach of such a test bed to people living in remote areas, that have special complex requirements, adds to the challenge. The target of the N4C project is the deployment and testing of ubiquitous and pervasive networking for communications challenged areas in a manner consistent with an overall visio ...
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Administración electrónica II (ADMITRON II)

Date du début: 31 mars 2005, Date de fin: 29 juin 2007,

- Un estudio sobre la firma electrónica en la Administración; - El uso de TIC en la administración mediante el uso de métodos de e-learning; - El desarrollo de los servicios sobre las infraestructuras creadas en ADMITRON (servidor de correo, servidores web, cortafuegos, sistemas de backup...); - El desarrollo de los portarles web, sobre las infraestructuras creadas en ADMITRON (Servicios al ciudad ...
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O projecto WATCH IT pretende incrementar a competitividade, reduzir as diferenças existentes entre as grandes aglomerações metropolitanas e as pequenas cidades e melhorar as perspectivas de futuro dos sistemas urbanos compostos por pequenas cidades e pequenos núcleos industriais da região do SUDOE através da criação de pólos de competitividade baseados no conhecimento, a inovação, o desenvolviment ...
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Electronic Administration (ADMITRON)

Date du début: 30 nov. 2001, Date de fin: 29 juin 2005,

The main objective of the Electronic Administration project is to use new technology as a strategic tool to achieve permanent interaction between local Governments, regional authorities, town halls, local councils and parliaments, as well as citizens and businesses by simplifying administrative procedures through online services, the restructuring of services and the re-organisation of functions a ...
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