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8 projets européens trouvés

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Power electronics is the key technology to control the flow of electrical energy between source and load for a wide variety of applications from the GWs in energy transmission lines, the MWs in datacenters that power the internet to the mWs in mobile phones. Wide band gap semiconductors such as GaN use their capability to operate at higher voltages, temperatures, and switching frequencies with gr ...
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 TERMINÉ vehicles to maintain flight performance. C3HARME represents a well-balanced mix of innovative and consolidated technologies, mitigating the level of risk intrinsic in top-notch research and innovation development. C3HARME starts from TRL of 3-4 and focuses on TRL 6 thanks to a strong industrial partnership, including SMEs and large companies. To reach TRL 6, rocket nozzles and TPS tiles with ...
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MObility for Vocational and Educational Training 2.0

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

...ause it is composed mostly by micro and small companies. Those companies, in the framework of a DEVELOPMENT which should be INCLUSIVE (Europe 2020), need new competences in order to stimulate further innovation, to benefit of opportunities from the single market, to translate the environmental challenges in opportunities and to take advantage from the market development. (see 10 principles of Smal ...
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... set of stakeholders to adapt and build on our solutions and through research in sustainable business training models, the project will generate significant impact by boosting the ability of regional innovation systems to adapt to change and thereby remain competitive, on the individual, organisational and regional level. We demonstrate the impact in the two chosen sectors, but widen the scope to ...
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Bukovinian Center for Development and Reconstruction

Date du début: 9 déc. 2013, Date de fin: 8 juin 2015,

... Expected Results: First Joint Ukrainian-Moldavian-Romanian Plan for expansion of communication and cooperation in technology transfer and promotion of the innovation infrastructure in the cross-border region; Network of innovative infrastructure institutions in cross-border region - 20 institutions of innovation infrastructure involved in joint innovat ...
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The aim of this proposal is the development of TPS for their use in space applications with extreme oxidative environments and high temperature resistance, such as hot parts of space vehicles for orbital entry (ARV), planetary probes and NEO exploration. Previous studies on ARV vehicle have shown that TPS hybrid systems based on ablators integrated with thermo-structural materials are good candida ...
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Freedom of Information about Ecological Friendly Products in cross-border region

Date du début: 15 nov. 2013, Date de fin: 14 nov. 2014,

To protect the rights of the Consumers of Ecological Friendly Products on cross-border territory. Expected Results: Increased awareness for the Consumers of Ecological Friendly Products and journalists on cross-border territo ...
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This project will target the fast growing market for solar collector systems. The competitiveness of the EU solar collector industry is a major issue in this rapidly increasing market. Currently, European industry is lagging behind the China and US, which exports solar collector components to the EU. Also competition will become increasingly intense, as new players from other low labour cost count ...
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