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3 projets européens trouvés

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FADERTIC aims to provide an alternative means for the continuous training of Rural Development Agents, more specifically a self-training (workplace training) and guidance system (specialised support in the implementation of practical rural development projects) based on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT).Activities will include: analysis and identification of the continuou ...
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Building upon the results of the previous INNOMAT project, INNO-PRO will undergo a range of development activities to expand the potential user group of the previously developed training materials on Innovation Management.An initial needs analysis will be undertaken across SMEs in INNO-PRO partner countries, with the results leading to additional development to both modify and improve the outputs ...
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The ABC project will design and develop specialist support materials to encourage competitiveness and innovation amongst SMEs. The project will enable SMEs to benchmark their competitive and innovative position against their peers and across a range of key indicators both on a national and transnational level.Initial activity will include a training needs analysis of SMEs across the partner countr ...
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