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2 projets européens trouvés

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Dispositifs Médicaux Textiles (DISTANCE ZERO)

Date du début: 31 août 2008, Date de fin: 30 août 2012,

In the cross-border area, certain professional fields are particularly promising with regard to job creation: construction, hotels-catering-tourism, process industries, training, telecommunications, performing arts,environment and sustainable development, and services to people. To address the labour shortage in these sectors, the partners develop a cross-border services and training offer.The pro ...
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The network “European Regions Enhancing Internationalisation in Vocational Education and Training“(EREIVET) has the objective to enhance quantity and quality of learning mobility in vocational education and training. Mobility, recognition of vocational degrees, transparency in vocational education and training, the cooperation between different partners in vocational education and training are mai ...
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