Rechercher des projets européens

3 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

The aim of the project is to test out a range of innovative tools and models to facilitate reconversion in the tobacco-growing industry and the redeployment of producers, traders and all those employed in the sector. To this end the project will seek to promote transparency of formal qualifications and will explore the potential for transferring non-formal and informal learning. Expected results i ...
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Defining business skills in e-commerce and selling the concept of true European vocational training : E-commerce is a growth sector for many European companies and yet professional training and accreditation lag behind the market opportunities. The COME project has developed professional profiles and linked training courses for five different types of business skills and created a system for Europ ...
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The K-COMPETENCES project aims at defining common and minimum standards for transparency and for the comparison of ‘key or new skills’ in order to enhance the integration of VET systems within the European Union. Project partners will initially define key skills for Business, such as ICT, language competence and social skills and will agree upon common minimum standards. Beyond this, the project w ...
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