Rechercher des projets européens

9 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens



Date du début: 19 oct. 2010, Date de fin: 18 oct. 2013,

El Proyecto Cooperación Transnacional en Seguridad y Emergencias, con acrónimo EMERNET, presentado a la segunda convocatoria del Programa de Cooperación Transnacional MAC 2007-2013, establece medidas para mejorar la prevención, planificación e intervención en emergencias en la zona del Espacio Atlántico Euroafricano. Las Regiones Autónomas de Canarias, de Azores y el archipiélago de Cabo Verde c ...
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Date du début: 30 sept. 2009, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2012,

El proyecto TRANSCREA quiere hacer frente al déficit en actividades, gasto y personal dedicado a la I+D y a la innovación empresarial en las tres regiones de la Macaronesia Canarias, Azores y Madeira. La meta de TRANSCREA es mejorar la calidad, cobertura, profesionalidad y eficacia de los servicios de apoyo a la creación de empresas de base tecnológica y, a través de ello, aumentar la actividad em ...
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Date du début: 30 sept. 2009, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2012,

El presente proyecto tiene por objetivo generar una estrategia común en los archipiélagos Macaronesicos para conseguir una gestión sostenible de los recursos marinos. Los fondos rocosos litorales y praderas de Cymodocea nosoda son hábitats de vital importancia para la conservación de los recursos marinos, sin embargo en la actualidad son víctimas de un deterioro importante, entre los factores qu ...
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The objectives are the measurement, calculation and materialization of basic a geodesic network that allows the univocal reference of all geographical information to produce or integrate in the systems that facilitates the normalization between the archipelagoes, as well as the accomplishment of fotogrametric and ortofotos flights of diverse zones. Some GIS software will be included to manage the ...
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ECORURAL is a project that wants to articulate the actions tending to guarantee the sustainable development of the ultraperipheral regions. For this, we expect to create an observatory of the agrarian and rural reality, integrated by contents of high interest to the rural world of the ultraperipheral regions of Europe, since the planning of natural and territorial resources until their sustainabli ...
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The project tries to impel a process of transnational and interregional cooperation that allows the creation of a general and detailed methodology of integrated management of the landscape, facing the conservation and improving the landscape quality in Macaronesia and the living conditions of its inhabitants. For it, based on the available financial resources one sets out to impel diverse projects ...
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It has by general mission the creation of jobs, trying to promote the equality of opportunities between men and women and to diminish the indices of long unemployment and the social exclusion. It is tried to introduce, through this project, an innovating methodology of training, use, production and commercialization, with systems of social support added (structures of support to minors, greater an ...
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TOURMAC wants to protect and difuse the cultural and natural inheritance and take profit from its economic potential to the local development, using the importance of the pedestrian walks to the societies of the present.
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The project raises to create a joint work group between Public Administrations of different levels from the Azores-Madeira-Canary Islands Zone to analyse the system of indicators proposed by the UE and the viability of its calculation at least at a regional and insular scale. Ideally, the databases and cartography of all scopes would be accessible to the rest of the population. The project would b ...
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