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38 projets européens trouvés

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Certain industries, such as chemical production or petroleum refining have been identified as producing quantities of by-product hydrogen that can be used to produce clean, load-following power on a distributed basis, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. While the chemical production industry generally acknowledges the potential value of stationary fuel cell applications, the lack of multiple megawa ...
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"AMPA glutamate receptors (AMPAR) play key roles in information processing by the brain as they mediate nearly all fast excitatory synaptic transmission. Their spatio-temporal organization in the post synapse with respect to presynaptic glutamate release sites is a key determinant in synaptic transmission. The activity-dependent regulation of AMPAR organization is at the heart of synaptic plastici ...
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3D Interstellar Chemo-physical Evolution (3DICE)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2013, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

"At the end of their life, stars spread their inner material into the diffuse interstellar medium. This diffuse medium gets locally denser and form dark clouds (also called dense or molecular clouds) whose innermost part is shielded from the external UV field by the dust, allowing for molecules to grow and get more complex. Gravitational collapse occurs inside these dense clouds, forming protostar ...
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Beyond Biopolymers: Protein-Sized Aromatic Amide Functional Foldamers (A2F2)

Date du début: 1 juin 2013, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

Nature has evolved ultimate chemical functions based on controlling and altering conformation of its molecular machinery. Prominent examples include enzyme catalysis and information storage/duplication in nucleic acids. These achievements are based on large and complex yet remarkably defined structures obtained through folding of polymeric chains and a subtle interplay of non-covalent forces. Natu ...
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Smart Nano-objects for Alteration of Lipid-bilayers (SNAL)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2014, Date de fin: 31 mars 2018,

"SNAL is a multidisciplinary programme specially designed to provide scientific and transferable skill training and career development for early stage researchers and experienced researchers in membrane research. Working in a multidisciplinary network will give the researchers a broad perspective on their research field as well as the basic ability of pursuing a research project from basic science ...
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"This project is based on the application of layer-by-layer (LbL) technology for the development of a versatile and generic procedure for the fabrication of hybrid devices involving graphene and materials of a different nature such as polymeric, organic, and inorganic entities. The project aims to achieve the organization and integration of graphene sheets with heterogeneous components of differ ...
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Probing Strong Gravity by Black Holes Across the Range of Masses (StrongGravity)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

Black holes provide a crucial link between Einstein’s theory of gravity and real cosmic objects which astronomers can observe and study in the Universe. This project is oriented towards legacy of the cornerstone XMM-Newton X-ray satellite mission of European Space Agency (ESA) in synergy with relevant data in other spectral domains that are covered by ground-based infrared and radio interferometri ...
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Molecular basis of the outer membrane permeability (TRANSLOCATION)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

Overcoming the barriers that the cell envelope and efflux pumps provide to Gram-negative bacteria is a major bottleneck in the discovery and development of new antibiotics. To respond to this Call we are extending our current network on antibiotic translocation and propose an ambitious project ranging from identification of novel resistance mechanisms in clinical bacterial isolates to crystallizat ...
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Mechanisms that prevent aneuploidy (NOANEUPLOIDY)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

The mechanisms that safeguard cells against aneuploidy are of great interest as aneuploidy contributes to tumorigenesis. To gain insight into these mechanisms, I studied the behavior of cells entering mitosis with damaged chromosomes. I used the endonuclease I-CreI to generate acentric chromosomes in Drosophila larvae. While I-CreI expression produces acentric chromosomes in the majority of dividi ...
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Microfluidic systems have a tremendous potential for the miniaturization and automation of bio-chemical assays. Cells or genes can be encapsulated in droplets that are manipulated, fused, analysed and sorted at high-throughput. Such systems are extremely powerful for the selection of microorganisms. To go further, I propose now to develop new types of microreactors for biotechnological assays, com ...
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In-situ Diagnostics in Water Electrolyzers (INSIDE)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017,

In this project an electrochemical in-situ diagnostic tools for locally resolved measurements of current densities, which has been originally developed for application in polymer electrolyte membrane based fuel cells, will be adapted and integrated into water electrolysers. The tool will be applied to three different electrolysis technologies in a parallel effort: proton exchange membrane electrol ...
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"The project aims at reinforcing of existing and establishing new research collaboration between 3 Research Institutions based in France, Netherlands and Czech Republic and partner organization from Russian Academy of Sciences working in the domain of physical, theoretical and computational chemistry of advanced polymer materials and biomacromolecules. We aim to benefit from complementarity of wo ...
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"Pain and anxiety disorders are taking a large toll in our society both in loss of productivity and total cost of healthcare. Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage. This definition highlights the complexity and the subjective character of such a sensation as well as one of its major ...
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The proposed ITN BIOENERGY deals with the understanding of experimental limits and fundamental principles for exploiting and developing electro-conducting nanoarchitectures to assemble highly efficient bioelectrocatalytic structures as a basis for efficient and stable biofuel cells. Based on that fundamental understanding, the main technological objective of BIOENERGY is to develop efficient and s ...
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Chromatin in Plants – European Training and Mobility (CHIP-ET)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2013, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

"The Research Training Network CHIP-ET will focus on the study of protein complexes that modulate chromatin structure to activate RNA polymerase II–mediated transcription. Research will address how developmental and environmental stimuli such as light and circadian rhythm signal to these complexes to modulate transcription. The interactome of the complexes will be determined, as well as their geno ...
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Unveiling the functions of mTERF proteins in plant organelles (plantMTERF)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2013, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The functions of many plant genes remain unknown even in the extensively studied model plant Arabidopsis. Photosynthesis and respiration rely on the expression of genes in chloroplasts and mitochondria. Gene expression in plant organelles is particularly complex and requires the participation of nuclear encoded factors, which are imported into the organelles. Genetic and bioinformatic analyses sug ...
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The scientific targets of the EUROSUNMED project are the development of new technologies in three energy field areas, namely photovoltaics (PV), concentrated solar power (CSP) and grid integration (GI), in strong collaboration with research institutes, universities and SMEs from Europe in the north side of the Mediterranean sea and from Morocco and Egypt from the south of the sea. The focus in PV ...
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"Autoimmune diseases originate from a breakdown in tolerance leading to immune responses against self antigens and chronic inflammation. The main effector cells are self-specific T cells and B cells, the latter producing auto-antibodies. This results in progressive destruction of organs. Because patients must rely on long anti-inflammatory treatment, autoimmune diseases take a significant toll on ...
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Flow in Transforming Porous Media (FlowTrans)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

The FlowTrans Initial Training Network is a unique environment for career development, built on joint challenges of Industry and University partners in a newly emerging supra-disciplinary field, spanning from Physics to Earth Sciences and aiming to understand Flow in Transforming Porous Media. Training will be hosted by 8 Universities in synergy with 2 full and 4 associated industry partners with ...
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Unveiling the power of the deepest images of the Universe (ASTRODEEP)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

"ASTRODEEP is a co-ordinated and comprehensive program of i) algorithm/software development and testing; ii) data reduction/release, and iii) scientific data validation/analysis aimed at making Europe the world leader in the exploitation of the deepest multi-frequency data. We will focus on 5 key extra-galactic survey fields, the target of public observing programs motivated by the desire to under ...
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In the European Union, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of the food sector are increasingly under pressure due to developing open markets, increasing demand of standardized and price competitive food products by the consumers, rising importance of large retailers and challenges in obeying governmental regulations. This raises the risk of losing many traditional foods as well as traditional proc ...
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Molecular technology for nuclear imaging and radionuclide therapy (TRACEnTREAT)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

Cancer is undoubtedly becoming the second largest cause of death in the EU. Future predictions are very somber expecting worldwide 17.5 million deaths and 27 million new cases annually by 2050. New innovative research and properly educated generation of young scientists in fields related to cancer prevention, diagnostics, treatment and management is the only way to ensure progress in solving this ...
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The objective of this project is to gain control on the mechanism of transport properties of Self Assembled Monolayer (SAM)-based molecular tunnel junctions. The methodology developed by the Whitesides group over the last few years has allowed to increase the reliability of molecular tunnel junctions, allowing to measure their tunnel transport rates with much more accuracy than it had been possibl ...
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During pathogenesis, viruses hijack the cellular machinery to access molecules and sub-cellular structures needed for infection. Viruses counteract plant defences by producing suppressor proteins. We have evidence that multifunctional viral protein—translation transactivator/ viroplasmin from Cauliflower mosaic virus, CaMV—could be used as a suppressor of cellular RNA turnover: the cellular accumu ...
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The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is rapidly building the social and technical bridges that enable open sharing of data on a global level. RDA Europe - the European plug-in to the global Research Data Alliance – will ensure that European political, research, industrial and e-infrastructure stakeholders are aware of, engaged with and actively involved in the global RDA activities. European domain sc ...
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Molecular Targets of Uranium in some Aquatic Organisms (MOTAUR)

Date du début: 2 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 1 janv. 2016,

Uranium is an important element, massively used in military and civil industry. It is a toxic element and the understanding of the mechanisms of its metabolism, homeostasis and toxicity are of paramount importance. The project aims at the development of a series of novel analytical methods able to identify and quantify the species being products of interaction of uranium with the proteome and meta ...
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Date du début: 1 juil. 2013, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015,

Unrevealing the rules that govern the surface trafficking and membrane stabilization of neurotransmitter receptors, in particular the NMDAR is crucial for our understanding of several physiopathological brain processes. Over the past few years, scientists have shown that neurotransmitter receptors diffuse inside and out of synapses in cultured neurons using single molecule approaches. These findin ...
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From Attosecond Magnetism towards Ultrafast Spin Photonics (ATOMAG)

Date du début: 1 mai 2010, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2015,

We propose to investigate a new frontier in Physics: the study of Magnetic systems using attosecond laser pulses. The main disciplines concerned are: Ultrafast laser sciences, Magnetism and Spin-Photonics, Relativistic Quantum Electrodynamics. Three issues of modern magnetism are addressed. 1. How fast can one modify and control the magnetization of a magnetic system ? 2. What is the role and esse ...
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Translational Kinase Tumour Inhibitor discovery Consortium (TAKTIC)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2013, Date de fin: 31 mars 2015,

Protein kinases are involved in the control of a large number of cellular processes and play a central role in human physiology. More than 500 genes encoding protein kinases have been identified in the human genome, and it is estimated that about 30% of all human proteins may be phosphorylated by kinases. Deficiency in kinase activity has implications in cancer, central nervous system disorders, a ...
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Doped carbon nanostructures as metal-free catalysts (FREECATS)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2012, Date de fin: 31 mars 2015,

"This project is primarily aimed at generating new fundamental knowledge and fostering new prospects and frontiers in the field of catalysis for the sustainable production of chemicals and commodities. Rethinking important metal-based catalytic processes in the light of new tailored metal-free catalytic architectures designed and fabricated starting from appropriate nanoscale building blocks, is t ...
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Two Photon Absorbers for Biomedical Applications (TOPBIO)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2010, Date de fin: 31 mars 2015,

Two-photon absorption is a photophysical process with diverse applications in medicine (photodynamic therapy), neurophysiology, cell biology (microscopy, photo-activated drugs) and biomedical engineering (fabrication of micro-needle arrays and tissue scaffolds). Many of these applications will only have a major impact when better dyes become available with stronger two-photon absorption, as well a ...
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Collaborative and Sustainable Astronomical Data Infrastructure for Europe (CoSADIE)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2015,

The Collaborative and Sustainable Astronomical Data Infrastructure for Europe (CoSADIE) project will undertake actions aimed at designing a sustainable version of the already successful European Virtual Observatory (Euro-VO). The concept of a Virtual Observatory (VObs or VO) is that all the world's astronomical data should feel like they sit on the astronomer's desktop workspace, analysable with a ...
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"The project seeks to advance our knowledge of the innate immune system at two different but complementary levels, sensing and regulation of signalling. The first aim is centred on danger signals, and how they activate the immune system. We propose to use high-throughput RNA sequencing, molecular biology, fly and bacterial genetics to investigate the global network of genes and pathways that are i ...
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"HIKARI (“light” in Japanese) aims at pursuing and bringing one step further cooperation between Europe and Japan in the field of high speed transport (HST).Such a disruptive approach to commercial air transport will foster innovation, ensure leadership in high technology areas, and contribute to ACARE goals by studying alternative fuels and low emissions propulsive technologies. But for such a pr ...
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Research Data Alliance Europe (RDA Europe)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

Over the last 10 years, significant investments have been made in both the European Union and the USA for developing scientific data infrastructures to support the work of research communities, and in improving shared access to data. On both sides of the Atlantic, there is a shared understanding that solutions must be global and that the development of an integrated and interoperable data domain c ...
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New Strategies for Controlling Polymer Sequences (SEQUENCES)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2010, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2014,

"Sequence-controlled polymerizations play a key role in Nature. Although formed from a rather modest library of monomers, sequence-defined macromolecules such as proteins or nucleic acids are largely responsible for the complexity and diversity of the biological world. By analogy, one may predict that synthetic sequence-defined polymers could play an important role in modern applied materials scie ...
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Computational Anatomy of Fetal Brain (FBrain)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2008, Date de fin: 31 août 2013,

Studies about brain maturation aim at providing a better understanding of brain development and links between brain changes and cognitive development. Such studies are of great interest for diagnosis help and clinical course of development and treatment of illnesses. Several teams have begun to make 3D maps of developing brain structures from children to young adults. However, working out the deve ...
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Seeds of life - analysis of seed growth and development (Seeds of Life)

Date du début: 1 juil. 2008, Date de fin: 30 juin 2013,

Flowering plants have evolved as one predominant life form on earth. One common principle of flowering plants and probably one of the main reasons for this evolutionary success is the rapid development of an embryo along with a nourishing tissue, called the endosperm. Embryo and endosperm are surrounded by maternal tissues and build the plant seed. Seeds are a fascinating biological structure and ...
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