Rechercher des projets européens

3 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

A national service in support of recipients of the H2020 sme instrument and for the enhancement of innovation management in SMEsInnovation is a vital ingredient of growth and an important element of the future success of the UK. With some 95% of R&D and innovation conducted outside of the UK and many major and lead market shaping companies being of non-UK origin, access to knowledge, markets, ski ...
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Recognition of needs of target groups is based on long lasting and deeply rooted into practice experience of the project partners and their nets of cooperation. Taking into account that modern structures are built around a horizontal processes (projects) and an essential element of the structure is a team, there is a need to develop skills and competencies of the members of the project teams. A pr ...
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Innovative entrepreneurship is vital to both enterprises and countries that need to transform new ideas rapidly into commercial success in order to maintain growth, competiteveness and jobs. VET institutions working with enterprises need to pursue this role with smaller and micro-enterprises.
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