Rechercher des projets européens

5 projets européens trouvés

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Placements in Environmental, Archaeological and Traditional Skills

Date du début: 3 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 2 oct. 2018,

The Placements in Environmental, Archaeological and Traditional Skills project (PEATS) brings together a consortium of 11 UK VET colleges and training institutions led by Grampus Heritage and Training Ltd. The project will provide 181 vocational students & apprentices in these subjects with inspiring and educational 4-week work placements with our partnership of 20 experienced European host partne ...
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Placements in Environmental and Traditional Skills

Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

...s. PETS will also fund 7-day staff training placements for 18 teachers from environmental courses and 26 craft tutors (all from VET courses level 1-3). This application benefits from over 10 years of Grampus promoting environmental and traditional skills and craft placements through the Leonardo da Vinci programme. This application and consortium combines the experience of delivering two certified ...
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Green Village

Date du début: 1 nov. 2010,

The "Green Village" project brings together 9 European states, who share common problems in their local rural areas, such as outward migration of young people, aging populations, abandonment of land, loss of traditional skills and income strands, disintegration of cultural landscape. The partners also recognise and share a number of opportunities for sustainable development on a village scale, thr ...
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Scimitar 's goal is supporting individuals in the scientific sector (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics - in short STEM), who act as trainers/mentors to young people, to train them as a trainers. These people often work in the context of Corporate Social Responsibility, and the project will support them to do it more efficiently. The project will produce a training package designed t ...
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The project has three core aims: to produce a handbook of forest recreation case studies (web-based and hard copy), with one case study from each participating country; to develop a two-week training course aimed at students (with ECTS accreditation) that has a standardised core element and also focuses on a local case study and to develop a short-course for existing forestry workers/practitioners ...
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