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8 projets européens trouvés

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The aim of HyLIFT-EUROPE is to demonstrate more than 200 fuel cell material handling vehicles and associated refuelling infrastructure at 5-20 sites across Europe, making it the largest European trial of hydrogen fuel cell material handling vehicles so far and the world’s first large scale demonstration of airport tow tractors. This will continue efforts of the ongoing FCH JU supported HyLIFT-DEMO ...
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HAWL project aims at demonstrating competitiveness, technical maturity and user acceptance of hydrogen fuel cell powered forklift trucks fleets in a logistics warehouse environment in Europe, as an alternative to battery powered trucks operation.Electric forklift trucks have gained popularity in Europe due to efficiency of engines, absence of noise and of emissions at point of use. The main issue ...
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Clean Hydrogen in European Cities (CHIC)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2010, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

The Clean Hydrogen in European Cities (CHIC) Project is the essential next step to full commercialisation of hydrogen powered fuel cell (H2FC) buses. CHIC will reduce the ‘time to market’ for the technology and support ‘market lift off’ – 2 central objectives of the Joint Undertaking.CHIC will:- Intensively test the technology to generate learning for the final steps towards commercialisation by o ...
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UNIQUE gasifier for hydrogen Production (UNIfHY)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 31 mars 2016,

Through development and scale up activities on materials and reactors for the integration of advanced biomass steam gasification and syngas purification processes, UNIfHY aims to prove from a process, pilot and industrial scale point of view continuous pure hydrogen production from biomass, increase well-to-tank efficiency and contribute to a sustainable energy portfolio, exploiting results achiev ...
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HyFacts aims to develop training material for Regulators and Public Safety Officials, which are responsible persons and work for entities, having to position themselves in the increasing number of upcoming installation of hydrogen-related technologies. The training material will focus on the fundamental aspects of hydrogen safety and on the safety approaches and criteria developed in standards and ...
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Objective of the KNOWBRIDGE project is to increase the capacity and to strengthen the research potential of two cross border and convergence regions (Košice self-governing region in Slovakia and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén region in Hungary) by supporting the development of new innovative cross border research-driven cluster in the area of Renewable Energy Sources and associating research entities, enter ...
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Enlargement Network for Agripolicy Analysis (AGRIPOLICY)

Date du début: 1 juin 2008, Date de fin: 31 mai 2010,

AgriPolicy builds on the results of the previous FP6 project “CEEC AGRI POLICY” ( which was awarded financial support by DG Research in 2004 following the call FP6-2003-SSP-3. The overall objective of the proposal is to support the formulation of Community agricultural policies. AgriPolicy has 4 specific objectives: 1. Networking and information sharing The objective is to st ...
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The Home-care in Europe project has three primary aims: to meet a fast growing demand for better trained labour in the home-care of the elderly, to provide better opportunity for labour market access to certain underprivileged groups and to implement technology-supported, flexible training for the sector.Many employees working in home-care of the elderly do not have the formal competencies for the ...
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